Friday, May 20, 2016

Chick shredding: ban in NRW – SPIEGEL ONLINE

The so-called chick shredding is not contrary to the Animal Welfare Act. This was decided on Friday the Higher Administrative Court (OVG) Münster. It confirmed that multiple decisions of administrative courts in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the case be weighed against each other would have “ethical aspects of animal welfare and human use interests” – without any of the concerns TO ISSUE A strict priority

The court had to determine whether a remission of the NRW Environment Minister Johannes Remmel (Green) from the. 2013 could stop the millions of killing. Nationally had complained eleven hatcheries. Two of the circles Gütersloh and Paderborn had scored in the first instance before the Verwaltungsgericht Minden law.

The breeding male chicks of layer strains contrary to the progress made in chicken farming and the economic environment, stressed the judge. Technical methods to hatch just eggs with female DNA, are not yet practical. In addition, the rearing of hatched male chicks from a laying hen breed for hatcheries is connected to a disproportionate effort.

Would raised this chick, they are virtually impossible to market of the hatcheries, the court continued. Adult roosters of laying hens breeds are at best a product for a small sales niche. Therefore, the killing of chicks was “part of the process for providing the population with eggs and meat.”

Economic Aspects proceed


aligned on economic factors make these procedures is inevitable for the hatcheries as producers of chicks. This compilation also responsible for the welfare state agencies

had assumed for decades by mutual agreement with the hatcheries. Unlike state minister Remmel rejects Federal Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) a ban on mass killing off because the hatcheries would otherwise move abroad. Schmidt focuses on the development of methods in which the sex is detected in the egg before hatching, so that male chicks do not hatch until.

Last year, an estimated 48 million male chicks killed in Germany. The animals are almost worthless, as they lay eggs later no and also not recognize a lot of meat for breeders. That’s why they often come shortly after hatching in a shredder or be gassed. This has led in recent years to numerous advertisements of animal rights.

Lower Saxony’s Agriculture Minister Christian Meyer (Green) had asked the federal government shortly before the verdict to ban the shredding. It was a “barbaric and bustle” and “moral and ethically unacceptable,” Meyer said in Germany radio.

(Az .: 20 A 488/15 and 530/15 20 A)


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