Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Unemployment in Germany: Since reunification never so little … – Tagesspiegel

The number of unemployed in Germany has declined significantly in May. In the Federal Employment Agency (BA) 2.664 million job seekers were registered, as the authority announced in Nuremberg on Tuesday. The were 80,000 less than in April and 98,000 less than a year ago. The labor market was developing a whole remains positive with the expiring spring revival, said BA chief Frank-Jürgen Weise. Employment has grown vigorously.

The demand for labor has increased significantly. By deducting the seasonal fluctuations in unemployment, according to BA back to 11,000 unemployed. Banking Economists had only a drop of 5000 on average expected. In April, unemployment was more than usual like for the season.

Later in the year, experts expect an increasing number of unemployed, as more and more refugees seeking employment. For the full year 2016 they expect new highs in the number of workers and employees at the same time rising unemployment because the labor supply increases greatly.

In Berlin and Brandenburg, the unemployment rate fell from the previous month significantly. In Berlin the number since the Wall fell below ten percent for the first time. In May the rate was 9.7 percent. Compared to April, a decrease of 0.5 percentage points. Compared with May 2015, there are 1, 1 point less. In total there were in Berlin in May 181 166 people out of work. 5260 less than in April and 15,187 less than a year ago. The number of vacancies in May was at 23 974, which was 3953 more than a year ago.

trainees in Berlin should be flexible

In Brandenburg about 4,000 people were unemployed in May less than in April 8000 and less than a year ago. Compared with April, a decline of 0.2 percentage points compared with Mai 2015 by 0.5 points. Overall, the number of unemployed was in Brandenburg in May at 104,921 – the lowest level since reunification.

Jutta Cordt, CEO of Regional

Directorate Berlin-Brandenburg of the Federal Employment Agency, speaks of a good sign that one is on the right track. “The positive economic climate in practically every industry offer many opportunities – the job market has almost 44,000 vacancies in the region a very wide range of social security payments.”

tourism brings jobs in Berlin

Christian Henkes, spokesman for the Federal Employment Agency, told the Tagesspiegel, the 24,000 places in Berlin are still open. Jobs for people with a rather lower qualifications can be found particularly in the impact of tourism, which is booming in Berlin still. Here jobs are to be found mainly in gastronomy, but also in the bicycle rental and guided tours. “Tourism is very important for the labor market in Berlin,” says Henke. Currently also seeking the BVG by bus drivers, the Fernbusbranche is still growing. More training places are also available on the craft. As for higher qualifications, offer Berlin start-up scene very good entry opportunities. Here IT specialists are in demand with good English skills.

The newcomers in Berlin would create new jobs, especially common in the retail sector, for example in the furniture trade. “A growing city also brings jobs,” says Henke. Trainees he recommends to be flexible and not to fixate on a dream job. Since there would be in good Brandenburg vacancies, trainees should also look outside the district boundaries. “The train does not move only in one direction.” Especially in the nursing and health there in Brandenburg many vacancies. (with AP)


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