Saturday, May 28, 2016

Without battery factory It’s probably not – THE WORLD

Volkswagen is considering building a battery factory in order to help electric cars a breakthrough. One wants to be ready when the future a significant proportion of vehicles is sold with an electric drive, a source said on Friday. It is “an obvious conclusion” that such a factory would then built near Wolfsburg. A decision is still “light years away”, the person said. “We are not there yet, that we discuss concrete investments and locations.” In media reports said, citing company circles, a Volkswagen battery factory could cost up to ten billion euros. As a possible site Salzgitter was talking.

Volkswagen did not comment on it. “Basically, we have brought the electric mobility in the middle of the group and extensive expertise built up,” said a spokesman. About the kits is VW able to equip up to 40 different vehicle models with alternative drive if necessary. The Government of Lower Saxony declined to comment. Although there were discussions, “but since nothing is ripe,” said a spokeswoman. The country is the second largest shareholder of Volkswagen.

The Federal Government advocates a newspaper report of a battery cell factory in Germany . “From research to automotive production, we have everything here. What is missing is the cell production,” quoted the “Tagesspiegel” Georg Schütte, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Science. The battery cell is crucial for the attractiveness of the final electric car. He expects soon with a commercial choice.

The “Handelsblatt” reported in the VW management, sentiment towards its own battery production neige. Volkswagen boss Matthias Müller will present the middle of next month his plans for the time after the diesel scandal. The Electric mobility plays a major role. Because the diesel drive, have set to the Volkswagen and other German car makers, begins to fade into disrepute. This was mainly due to the exhaust of fraud VW has contributed. However, other manufacturers have come under fire because of high emission levels. The manufacturers brace themselves against a loss of confidence, because the diesel is to help them in meeting the climate targets. In the long term, however – which experts believe – is one of electromobility future

Still driving in this country hardly electric cars on the streets.. The federal government wants to encourage the purchase of battery-powered cars with a grant of 4,000 euros. Moreover, pure electric cars are exempt from the ten-year road tax. However, experts doubt whether this can give the necessary push to help electromobility breakthrough. The main obstacle is still valid, that electric cars are still expensive and the range of the batteries is limited.

Volkswagen has set itself the goal by 2018 to become the market leader in e-mobility. By 2020, the company wants to bring another 20 electric vehicles to market. By 2025, one in ten cars from the Wolfsburg-based group to be an electric vehicle. Until then, it is still far: last year the company sold just 67,000 cars worldwide with electric drive. A large part of them were hybrid vehicles, which combine a conventional internal combustion engine with an electric drive. Mass production in this country could help reduce costs, according to experts. IG Metall is committed to manufacturing in Germany, because they do it hoped to secure jobs.

The works council chairman of Daimler, Volkswagen and BMW had repeatedly campaigned for a battery manufacturing in Germany. It is all about the production of battery cells. The cells are identified as key to the breakthrough of electric cars, because they limit the date range and make vehicles expensive. but Germany threatened here depends on are mainly from Asian manufacturers. In addition, the electric car pioneer Tesla builds in the US together with Panasonic, the biggest cell production in the world, which should start 2017th

employee representatives also fear job losses in factories where components are built, which are no longer needed in the electric car era. At Volkswagen, it’s about the future of the engine plant in Salzgitter, will be built in the conventional drives. Council boss Bernd Osterloh warned in March,

according to participants circles on a staff meeting, the work will provided by the change in drive technology “before a massive employment problem” in the next ten to 15 years. A location Symposium in March, the chairman of the Volkswagen Works in Salzgitter, Andreas Tinsmiths, said: “We want to bring the development of new drive technologies for the Group, such as fuel cells or the battery cell production, to Salzgitter.”

Green Bundestag faction leader Anton Hofreiter said, referring to a possible VW battery factory: “After many failures in management and communication choosing this location would be a clear and wise direction decision.” The future of the German auto industry could only lie in climate-neutral drives. The auto industry doubted so far, however, on the cost-effectiveness of such a battery cell production. Daimler had set his cell production in Kamenz, Saxony end, 2015. Only the battery systems themselves build German carmakers together.

Volkswagen brand chief Herbert Diess had already called last November rethinking. “I think we need a battery manufacturing in Germany. This is the core technology of electric vehicles,” Diess had said. “A large part of the value will be the battery in the future. In this respect, I would find a concerted action properly.”

Volkswagen will also as a result of the exhaust gas scandal massively expand electromobility. 2025, the Group with its brands VW, Audi, Porsche & amp; Co. a million pure electric cars and hybrid cars for sale. Every tenth sold car would thus in the current situation a battery drive on board. For manufacturers, the aim is also to offer Tesla Paroli. The electric car pioneer from the United States pulls up not only a large battery factory but also toying with the construction of production facilities in China . The People’s Republic has replaced the US just as the biggest market for electric cars.

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