Sunday, May 22, 2016

lIlegale breaking device: New exhaust scandal at Fiat Chrysler? – ABC Online

Sunday, 05.22.2016, 15:31
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According to VW Fiat now? Germany increased the pressure on the Italian carmaker. The suspicion. Even in Fiat models there could be an illegal cut-out device for the catalytic converters

Because of conspicuous emission values ​​for models of car giant Fiat Chrysler, the Federal Ministry of Transport on now the Italian authorities for further consequences a. The Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) have received measurement results to Fiat vehicles the Italian competent type approval authorities and the EU Commission, a ministry spokesman said on Sunday. The authorities were asked to take action.

Fiat Chrysler can appointment with Transport Minister burst

This specifically involves the suspicion that the cleanup of some Fiat models after a specific time is set to zero. According to information of the “Bild am Sonntag” was confirmed in tests of KBA, that this be done each 22 minutes – emission tests last on average 20 minutes. This was “sufficient evidence of an impermissible shutdown” rendered, it is stated in a report by the KBA. Fiat Chrysler informed on request of the newspaper, you admit this topic publicly delivered no opinion.

Make a date with the Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU), set up by the VW-exhaust-scandal inquiry commission had Fiat Chrysler am explode last Thursday. Fiat had informed a lawyer letter, but Italian authorities are responsible for the question of whether Fiat vehicles comply with the European legal emissions regulations, it said.

Possible sale stop threatening Fiat

“This uncooperative attitude of Fiat is completely incomprehensible,” Dobrindt had criticized. There were doubts whether the rules have been complied with for approval. In revoking the approval threatening a ban on sales of the affected models.

Much of the car industry are currently due to increased emission values ​​under pressure. The trigger was the exhaust scandal at VW. Volkswagen had tampered with a software exhaust test on diesel vehicles.

Manipulated vehicles continue on the road

A court in the case of VW obliged first time a car dealer, the engineered vehicle take back and refund the purchase price. The judgment of the Landgericht München was adopted last Tuesday, as “Star TV” reported. There were a seat, its engine is equipped with the fraud software. The plaintiff was a couple from Munich.

Volkswagen confirmed at weekend the judgment. The trader would appeal in consultation with the group, it said. Decisions of other courts have suggested that it is reasonable for the owner of the car, waiting for the conversion. The vehicles could be used without restrictions on the road by then.

car owners sue distributors

According to Volkswagen are in Germany so far nine judgments on the subject issued. Eight different country courts had dismissed the car owner. Only the district court Munich I upheld at first instance of an action against

a dealer.

On the problems are to further decisions. Am Landgericht Braunschweig are in the course of the exhaust scandal so far 46 complaints from car owners filed. On May 24 there will be a judgment in the process of an Audi owner against a car dealership

CDU traffic politicians Wittke. Manufacturers are for increased exhaust emissions just are

The exhaust affair turns increasingly to high values ​​in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. In subsequent measurements on behalf of the Ministry of Transport conspicuously high CO2 emissions have been measured at 30 car models. Which models are, was not initially made public by the Ministry.

The emissions of harmful carbon dioxide is also part of the motor vehicle tax calculation. From the perspective of the CDU politician Transport Oliver Wittke allowed for unacceptably high emissions levels not car owners pay. “The punishment now and decommission vehicles and up to tax, that would be the wrong way,” he said in Germany radio. If there were problems, would those who have caused the damage, just be sure Wittke said, referring to the manufacturer.

Dobrindt “hopelessly overwhelmed”

the Greens in the Bundestag called on Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), its transport minister to evade the supervision of the exhaust gas tests. Dobrindt was “overburdened,” said transport expert Oliver Krischer. The auto industry dance around him on the nose. The problem is better with Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks (SPD) and the Environmental Protection Agency canceled

In the video. So Dobrindt wants to avoid a new exhaust scandal

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