Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Deutsche Telekom CEO Timotheus Höttges: The King of the High – THE WORLD

Timothy Höttges is spoiled. For the second time the Telekom boss gives an account of a year at the top of the group – and the second time he has reaped especially pat on the Annual General Meeting in Cologne’s Lanxess Arena on Wednesday. “The Telekom grows namely vigorously” Höttges

In fact, it runs in many places exceptionally round. Net sales in the past year by almost eleven percent increased, the value of Deutsche Telekom shares by more than a quarter. Since Höttges took over the top job from his predecessor René Obermann, they even rose by 37 percent.

Of course, all is not Höttges’ is the sole merit. The mobile subsidiary in the US, where the Telekom holds a 65 percent stake, is developing splendidly. T-Mobile US is now to Verizon and AT & T’s third-largest provider in the country and has left the competitors behind Sprint.

profit margin of more than 39 percent

The Americans are already a share of the telecom total revenue of nearly 42 percent. Höttges Highlights the importance of T-Mobile US does not deny. “It helps Deutsche Telekom, it sustains us,” he said

In Germany Telekom still highly profitable move, the profit margin comes to more than 39 percent. Last year, even the number of mobile customers increased by 3.5 percent. Höttges so could stop the sustained decrease in domestic revenue. Last year there was even again a tiny growth.

Even the IT division T-Systems sees some light, but must still from her “slumber” be awakened, as paraphrased fund manager Ingo Save Union Investment at the meeting.

in particular, business with cloud services, in which companies software and services through refer the Internet, grew last year by a quarter.

US subsidiary brings big profits Telekom

              The German Telekom looks back on a successful year: The profit of the company can be seen thanks to the US business. . For this purpose, Deutsche Telekom CEO Timotheus Höttges in N24 Interview Source: The World

in the data center in Biere Magdeburg T-Systems offers its customers a” German cloud “, in which the Telekom acts as trustee and as company gives the opportunity to comply with the German Data Protection. The data center is already busy, the next stage is already running.

In politics, it seems that would run Telekom boss Höttges. Only through open doors Hardly an event in Berlin, where he does not offer itself as a digitizer of the German economy and philosophizes about Germany’s role in a networked digital world.

Business with the data – Big Data so – must not ignore Europe, he says. Even Chancellor Angela Merkel seems to him to have long listened to enough and keeps the principle of data Poverty data protection underlying become obsolete.

The so passionate discussion on net neutrality has finally turned for the Telekom to good. The EU Parliament has a regulation agreed in the parts are so unclearly formulated that critics see the danger of a two-tier Internet, where there are different speeds.

In an “imminent overloading of the network”, therefore, a traffic management, including the throttling certain services or content is expressly provided for.

Exclusive expansion right

also in broadband expansion the Telekom – can prevail – at least in Germany. For confirmation billionaire investment it demands an exclusive expansion rights in the vicinity of its main distributor. Competitors who previously had to tolerate for regulatory reasons on their networks Telekom, however, would have to leave the network.

This, according to the telecom, necessary for technical reasons. This involves a technology called vectoring, which allows over old copper lines Internet speeds of 100 megabits per second or more to transfer.

The policy comes the offer just right. The federal government had written into their broadband goals that every household in Germany to 2018 should get the opportunity to get an Internet connection with at least 50 megabits per second. Currently this is only possible when two out of three households.

The Telekom had agreed with vectoring in the vicinity of the main distribution frame to improve the access of about six million households. By the end of the next year, more than 80 percent of all households could be supplied with at least 50 megabits per second, according to the plans along with the expansion away from the vicinities. Höttges even goes from 100 to 200 megabits per second.

Is there a re-monopolization of telecom?

with its recent proposal, Telekom but a wave of criticism caused by their competitors as well as from more than two dozen organizations, including in addition to the associations of telecom competitors also about the German farmers’ Association and the German

Association of Cities. Even the Bundeskartellamt had spoken out against the procedure.

Not only that the figures presented by the Telekom be doubted. Your will also made a re-monopolization reproach. In particular, providers who have already expanded in the vicinities of fiber-optic networks, fear a devaluation of their investments. In fact, the fiber-optic technology is superior to the vectoring, as it allows much higher speeds but is also more expensive.

Nevertheless, the Bundesnetzagentur the vectoring application of Telekom with some restrictions agreed. However now

The European Commission has raised concerns and initiated an in-depth a competitive test procedure for the request in a letter from the Commission it says. “The Commission considers show all the foregoing that the proposed measures is likely to constitute a disproportionate restriction and distortion of sustainable competition in the local access market. ”

would have the power agency “must be more responsive to these potentially innovation and investment dampening effect on new and better infrastructures”.

restrictions on other operators

the European Commission acknowledged that the telecom plans 1.4 million households in Germany for the first time by a data rate of 50 megabits per second would benefit.

“Nevertheless, the current proposal appears to contain significant restrictions on other operators”, criticized the authorities.

Well hope the Telekom competitors to be able to stop the plans yet. “The Agency should not only take the substantive concerns of Brussels note but prevent new monopolies in the telecommunications market actively – this is finally their job,” said Stephan Albers, Managing Director of the Bundesverband Broadband Communications (Breko), the “world”

“the sole monopoly of vicinities other will not work,” said Matthias Brückmann, head of the telecommunications and energy provider EWE. “For future-proof networks, the Agency must now make the right decisions and make the right decision.

Your previous decision leads to a very short travel time directly on the siding of digital society “.

” whining is not building network “

Last has also the Lower Saxony Economics Minister Olaf Lies in favor of an improvement of the telecom proposal. We must come to a proposal, “which allows a fair competition,” the ministry said in Hanover.

The competition can not be restricted. Lies is also chairman of the advisory board of the Federal Network Agency. He introduces himself thus to the President of the Authority.

The Telekom wants to hold on in spite of all its plans. “As long as vectoring is not used, many areas in the monopoly of the cable operators and competitive deals excluded until further remain”, it says. also the telecom contribution to achieving the broadband objectives of the federal government at the same time is at risk.

Photo: Infographics World Whether for leisure or business – who is not today has a fast Internet connection, threatens to fall behind in the truest sense of the word. According to TÜV Rheinland broadband rollout progresses slowly

The Telekom does not want to be understood as a competitor to the fiber, from which they, moreover, 30,000 postponed kilometers annually. “No company in Germany has more fiber laid as we,” said Deutsche Telekom CEO Höttges in Cologne.

Also, the vectoring lead to the fact that fiber networks closer to households would be built, the Telekom repeatedly emphasized. Because of data transport the copper cables would only at the last minute in the households used.

“For me there is no good or bad art,” Höttges said. “Our competitors criticize and moan in a tour.” but whining build no power. “Investing Better than criticize.”

A consensus is here

Now, the Commission has three months, check the Internet plans Telekom deepened.

“A real veto although there is not, but we hope that it is now coming to a reasonable consensus solution to the serious concerns of the Advisory Board of the Federal Network Agency , the policy and 25 account business associations and organizations carrying, “said Jürgen Grützner, managing director of the Association of telecom competitors VATM. Quite possible that the Network Agency nachbessert in coordination with the Telekom.

Should Brussels on have fundamental concerns, the Network Agency but in their decision and Telekom at her Remember proposal consequently also an infringement procedure would be possible. At the end could even the European Court are entrusted with.


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