Wednesday, May 25, 2016

ROUNDUP / abroad Shopping: Brussels wants to ban Geoblocking in online trading – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

BRUSSELS (AFX) – consumers are according to the will of the European Commission can shop online anywhere in Europe. Proposals presented the authorities in Brussels on Wednesday. “Consumers from other EU countries must and locals are treated,” said the Vice-President of the European Commission, Andrus Ansip.

Also, for cross-border parcel delivery, for television advertising or streaming platforms for films, series or music made the EU authority proposals.

the new requirements for geoblocking but would apply only to retailers who own nothing to do with the dispatch abroad. Because the Commission does not want the dealer committed throughout Europe to deliver. If dealer domestic customers allow a pickup, they would also give foreign customers this possibility

Even with electronic services, such as data storage on the Internet no discrimination is allowed, as in services offered at a particular location -. The may be concerts or admission to an amusement park. Here customers from different EU countries are likely to be different prices demanded.

For complaints as last about Disneyland Paris should no longer come under the new rules. Customers had complained that the amusement distinguish the price by nationality and place of residence. The European Commission had the case investigated, Disneyland Paris then changed his booking and payment. “Same place, same service, same deal for all European consumers,” said EU Internal Market Commissioner Elzbieta Bienkowska.

The EU countries and the European Parliament must agree to the new rules. The Federal Association of e-commerce and mail order (bevh) dismissed the plans back to limit the freedom of contract. “Still the law of contract and the market conditions in the EU Member States are so different that many traders make a conscious decision not to sell in all EU member states,” said the association.

Also, when sending parcels to European abroad wants to intervene more strongly the European Commission. The International Shipping is claimed was up to five times

more expensive than the domestic tariff. You want companies like the German Post & lt; & gt ;, DPW.ETR ensure basic services, thus forcing them to disclose their pricing structures. In addition, the supervisory authorities should monitor the market a better view.

In the television advertising Brussels wants more flexibility. Currently, the hourly advertising time is limited to 12 minutes. This 20-percent share to the station in the future can freely distribute 7-23 PM. EU Digital Commissioner Günther Oettinger pointed to the importance of television advertising as a revenue source for the transmitter. The German publisher associations BDZV and VDZ fear this could magazines and newspapers advertising revenue lost. The Central Association of the German Advertising Industry (ZAW) welcomed the proposed relaxations, however. “The decision not to rely on other legal prohibitions, regulatory policy right,” the ZAW

For streaming platforms will the EU for each EU country commit a proportion of European productions from 20 percent commission. A risk that the seller could reduce the proportion of non-European productions, in order to meet the requirements, or enhanced unattractive European productions could offer, Oettinger did not. “We keep 20 percent for very modest,” he said. Large providers like Netflixhielten specifying the EU average already.

Netflix said in a reaction, the streaming service have already invested hundreds of millions of euros in European productions. “We welcome the Commission’s objective to blossom production in Europe, the proposed measures are not reached, however.” / Hrz / DP / stw


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