Saturday, May 28, 2016
Mossack Fonseca stands since the unveiling of incriminating data from the “Panama Papers” on foreign shell companies under massive pressure. Now the Panamanian law firm responded. She wants to make three of its offices sealed – for strategic reasons.
Almost eight weeks after the release of “Panama Papers” financial firm Mossack Fonseca has announced the abandonment of their offices in three British tax havens. “With great regret” they conclude, after more than 20 years their offices in Jersey, the Isle of Man and Gibraltar, said the Panamanian company.
The reason Mossack Fonseca was a strategy to “consolidate our office network “on. Nevertheless, the company will continue to “all” available to customers. Mossack Fonseca is at the center of the scandal to shell companies, which had been uncovered by the “Panama Papers”. The records of the “Panama Papers” were the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” has been leaked, which had thereupon appealed to the international journalists syndicate ICIJ.
Through the evaluation of eleven million documents worldwide network of journalists had revealed how the firm dozens of top politicians, sports stars and other celebrities helped
In Iceland, the information brought to the Prime Minister on the case, even the British Prime Minister David Cameron arrived in Erklärungsnot because he had invested duties until offshore. Numerous German banks appear in the “Panama Papers”.
Mossack Fonseca sees itself as a victim of data theft and stresses always keep in their dealings with the law. Company establishes corporations and sells them to distributors such as banks, lawyers and financial advisors that they in turn pass on to their end customers. Until recently, the firm tried to prevent the publication of raw data.

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