The controversial killing of millions of male chicks from laying hens breeds in hatcheries is not contrary to the Animal Welfare Act. This ruled Friday the Higher Administrative Court (OVG) Münster. Thus, two hatcheries also continued in the second instance in an action against an official ban on the killing chicks in Nordrhein-Westfalen by. (Az .: 20 A 488/15 and 530/15 20 A)
Background of for some time practiced chick killing is that the agriculture industry for male offspring the laying chicken breeds has no use – they put neither eggs nor do they start good flesh. Nationwide about 45 million male chicks were in 2012 shredded or gassed right after hatching.
Ethics versus Interest in use
In 2013, the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of agriculture had instructed supervisors by decree to ban the killing chicks. Against the then imposed prohibition orders the applicant hatcheries were in court before.
As mentioned before the Verwaltungsgericht Minden both hatcheries had now also the Münster court success. In the case be weighed against each other would have “ethical aspects of animal welfare and human use interests,” stressed the OVG – without any of the concerns TO ISSUE A strict priority
. the breeding male chicks of layer strains contrary to the progress made in chicken farming and the economic environment, stressed the judge. Technical methods to hatch just eggs with female DNA, are not yet practical. In addition, the rearing of hatched male chicks from a laying hen breed for hatcheries is connected to a disproportionate effort.
If these chicks reared, be virtually impossible to market by hatcheries, pointed to the court. Adult roosters of laying hens breeds are at best a product for a small sales niche. Therefore, the killing of chicks was “part of the process for providing the population with eggs and meat.”
Environment Minister is disappointed
North Rhine-Westphalia environment Minister Johannes Remmel (Green) was disappointed by the judgment. “This is a bitter defeat for animal welfare in Germany is clear:.. Today’s decision had only a purely formal legal reasons and is by no means a license for the practices of the poultry industry Shredding and suffocation of animals has socially and politically not accepted,” said Remmel according to press release. His ministry will now consider the submission of the written judgment whether NRW draws in the next higher level of
Federal government against prohibition
the German government rejects a ban and puts on a technical solution, which should be ready for the market in 2017. It is already recognized before hatching, the sex of the embryo.
Judgment of North Rhine-Westphalia for the sector signal effect, even if only 5, slip 4 percent of hatched chicks in Germany in NRW. Twelve of nationwide 30 companies are based in NRW. They are usually, but considerably smaller than the breeder in other states.
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