Thursday, May 19, 2016

Glyphosate: EU member states can not agree – SPIEGEL ONLINE

If glyphosate in the EU on the market or it is forbidden? On the second day of the EU discussions on the subject, no majority for one of the two positions is emerging.

“We expect that today no decision is made,” Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) said on Thursday morning in Germany radio.

Diplomatic sources of the EU later said, there would be no vote in the responsible committee on Thursday. There was no majority for further approval foreseeable.

Several EU member states, led by Germany, have a clear position. Both Minister Schmidt and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) are in favor of glyphosate – the SPD led federal ministries are opposed. In a vote to Germany therefore would contain.

Germany plays an important role in the approval process which requires a so-called qualified majority of EU member states. Here consideration is given to how many people live in one country. The voices of the large EU states include more than the small. A qualified majority is only reached at 260 of a total of 352 votes. Germany represents 29 votes.

If on Thursday carried Commission under time pressure no vote, the European Commission is coming under time pressure. Because the EU approval of glyphosate will expire on June 30 and until then no ordinary meeting of the competent EU committee is scheduled more. The Commission needs but a vote, to take further steps.

Where the Committee on the Commission’s proposal, would make the approval of glyphosate, as requested by the Commission, be extended. In cases where the Committee the proposal or reached neither a yes nor a no qualified majority, the Commission proposal shall be deemed rejected. Then the EU authority may appeal in an appeal committee. This can decide for or against the renewal. His judgment is then binding.

From EU circles it is said that the Commission could revise its previous proposal in the coming days once again and could convene a special meeting of the committee, then a qualified majority more for to achieve approval of glyphosate.

In Germany glyphosate is used on about 37 percent of conventionally managed arable land. The Farmers’ Association expects that its members in a prohibition to resort to a mixture of other herbicides -. And estimates this as problematic as the use of glyphosate

discussion about cancer risk

Recently has been much discussion about the potential hazards of glyphosate because various expert committees had come to different assessments. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that glyphosate is probably carcinogenic to humans.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Working Group Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) judged against the fact that glyphosate is not dangerous if it is used properly. However,

The committees deal with different questions: When it comes IARC – regardless of application scenarios or dosing – to potential cancer risks. In JMPR and EFSA it comes to practical questions: Where concentrations or in which recording forms a substance may be harmful



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