Saturday, May 14, 2016

Because of low interest rates: Erste Sparkassen require fee for high investments – ABC Online

Saturday, 05.14.2016, 08:03
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As a result, the interest rate policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) raise first Sparkassen fees for high investments. They also think about, amplified to store cash in their own vaults to avoid penalty interest.

Business customers would partly a so-called “Verwahrentgelt” for investment amount pay in the millions, said the Bavarian Sparkasse President Ulrich Netzer.

“We can not keep the money in the long run in their own safe.” The money stored at the ECB rate banks now 0.4 percent penalty rate. This should be at least partially passed on at high sums for economic reasons to customers. “The now account other banks as” Netzer said.

For private customers there initially remains free

For private clients are penalty interest but so far no issue. “Our goal is to require normal savers no negative interest” Netzer said. Completely excluded not this be in the long run, however. It is questionable how long the current situation of the interest rate policy of the banks was not unbearable.

As a consequence of the high fees for the money stored at the ECB several financial institutions have already thought about the money in their own Safe to store. However, to date no institute had not yet begun, Netzer said. Should the penalty interest rate applied by the ECB, but still continue to rise, keeping in-house could be an option

Video:. Stadtsparkasse conceded customers with new fees from

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