Thursday, May 12, 2016

Taxes: State collects millions pensioners twice – ABC Online

Thursday, 05.12.2016, 09:51
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Many retirees are apparently charged twice right at the control. As the ARD-business magazine “Plus Minus” reported have millions of citizens who retire 2016-2040, pay double taxes. The reason is the gradual conversion of the pension tax.

How high the load, the ARD-business magazine “Plus minus” has be calculated with reference to two typical cases. Accordingly, an average earner with statistical life expectancy will be paid in the course of his retired life in extreme cases up to 9000 euros too much in taxes.

This is the result of financial mathematician Werner Siepe and Accountants Günter Siepe come. After a publish their study will occur in the coming years at always more persons retiring to such double taxation.

Staatsrechtler called double taxation unconstitutional

This is because the state pension until 2040 gradually fully taxed, pension contributions but during this transition period not be tax-exempt to the same extent. This is unconstitutional , the Passauer constitutional lawyer Professor Rainer Wernsmann says over
“Plus Minus”.

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Wernsmann argued that already taxed income must not be subjected again in asset reallocation of income tax: "That would be as if you deposit money on savings account, the comes from taxed income, and if you withdraw the money, it would again be taxed "

Finance Ministry does not comment

He criticized that the federal government still see no need for action:". it money matters. but that is by the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court no justification to allow double taxation here. " The Federal Ministry of Finance wanted to the magazine over not comment on the study results.

Already last month had the "Bild" newspaper reported on the risk of double taxation.

Higher taxes for pensioners: See how much you will soon have to pay to the government


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