Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mini-reactors: EU Commission wants to rely on nuclear power – RP ONLINE

Berlin. The European Commission sets According to a strategy paper on nuclear power. The Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks reacts with sharp criticism


“This is a crazy and irresponsible idea,” said Hendricks our editors. The EU Commission plans to strengthen nuclear power in Europe were the wrong way. “To believe that one can save the climate with more nuclear power, is a mistake. Climate protection needs the turn to renewable energy sources, not clinging to an outdated and also costly technology, with its use we many generations to come irreversible burden,” Hendricks said .

the Minister holds currently on in Japan, to get information there about the situation after the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The reason for the massive criticism from Hendricks’: The European Union wants to defend its technological dominance in the nuclear sector. This is clear from a strategy document the EU. Accordingly, Member States should strengthen cooperation on researching, developing, financing and constructing new innovative reactors


The paper should the basis for future nuclear policy of the EU his Commission and adopted on Wednesday by the commissioners responsible for the energy Union. Then it should be submitted to the European Parliament.

advancing wants the EU according to the report the construction of mini-reactors. Not later than 2030 should such reactors in Europe be in use. Germany wants to get out of nuclear power on the other hand. 2022 the last nuclear power plant off the grid

(mar / reu)



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