strike information on Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof

Strike Information on Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof | © Marijan Murat / dpa

million commuters and travelers meet on Tuesday the longest strike in the history Deutsche Bahn. The German train drivers union (GDL) called on its members, at 9 clock to stop work until Sunday morning. During work stoppages spare timetables apply. One in three long-distance train to drive in spite of the strike. In regional transport, the company expects 15 to 60 percent of the regular offer, most failures are expected in East Germany.

“We know that the web clients not standing and clapping with enthusiasm on the platform,” said GDL boss Claus Weselsky. On Monday, the strike began in the freight transport. Weselsky declined in an interview with the ZDF broadcast “W iso” again from that suggested by the railway settlement. At issue is constitutionally protected rights of GDL members. “We can not settle fundamental rights”, Weselsky said. In the ARD “Tagesthemen” he indirectly threatened further strikes. “When the train management unimpressed on us shows under the heading: ‘The strike are fools’, then the members of the GDL, the train drivers and train attendants want to punish, the management continued,” Weselsky said. Criticism of the strikes he rejected. The strike was legal and proportionate. The railway accused the GDL boss a delaying tactic before.

Earlier, Chancellor Angela Merkel is turned on in the conflict, and insisted on a settlement. The GDL refused. Heart of the conflict is that the GDL will also present conductor and Rangierführer beside the train drivers. For this, however, the major railways and Transport union (ECG) wants to negotiate. However, the railway rejects different contracts for the same group of employees.

The passenger association “Pro Bahn” struck meanwhile ago, the former President of the Council of the Protestant Church, Bishop Wolfgang Huber, to use as a moderator. “The understanding with passengers for the GDL decreases dramatically,” said the spokesman of the passenger association, Karl-Peter Naumann, the Rheinische Post.