As of June may be employees and consumers feel a bit safer. Not only the occupational health and safety is improved, the labeling of certain goods such as cleaning products is unified internationally. And then it should be even more favorable for tenants – all the changes in Germany as of June 1:
ordering principle
The one who ordered the broker must pay for his services. This applies from 1 June for landlords and tenants alike. But the so-called buyer principle intervenes only in the letting of residential property. When buying real estate, it does not come into play.
To date, most tenants had to raise the commission fee, even if the landlord had instructed the brokers. Especially in urban areas it was far been customary that the landlord abwälzten spending on real estate experts in the tenants, says Ulrich Ropertz the German Tenants’ Association in Berlin.
If the tenant a broker with finding a suitable apartment itself, but they have to pay in the future it. “The apartment has the broker then only for those tenants find” explains Inca Marie Storm from owners Association Home & amp; Basic Germany. “For an apartment that is already held by the broker, the prospective customer does not pay.” Because here so the landlord has already placed an order for mediation.
“The provisions in the law are unambiguous,” says Ropertz. “You can not be easily bypassed.” Let brokers, for example, during the visit to sign tenants an order to oblige them to pay the brokerage fee, which is inadmissible. Also high transfer fees for furnishings, the owner now may request to take back the money in a roundabout way, are not allowed.
“tricks are prohibited,” says Storm also. In case of violations threatens a fine of up to 25,000 euros. Who wrongly paid commission after June 1, can reclaim the money. “For tenants three years remain fundamentally” says Ropertz. Only after expiry of this period, the claims.
Rent brake
In addition, effective on 1 June the Law on Rent brake into force. They should apply only in areas with “strained housing situation”. Rent may there only a maximum of ten percent will be re-letting of existing properties on the local comparative rent.
new buildings are exempt from the rent brake. The same applies to the first rental for a comprehensive modernization, when the restoration effort in the old building accounts for about one third of the cost for a comparable new apartment.
But this means not that all conurbations from Monday Rent brake applies. First, the states have to determine the affected residential areas
New labeling
From the drain cleaner to furniture polish -. As of June are new warnings on the packaging of detergents. Although valid for more than four years, such labeling requirement for products with only one ingredient – now the mixed products are tuned explains the Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Laves)
is new is that the orange hazard symbols previously used are gradually being replaced by global harmonized pictograms. Together with certain signal words they should give at a glance information about can be made which dangers for health or the environment.
Fixed the new identification system, the so-called Globally Harmonised System (GHS). of the United Nations In future, there are nine pictograms for hazardous material identification. It is asked to the top squares that show a black symbol on a white background and are marked with a red border.
The previous hazards (approximately “irritant” or “corrosive”) will be replaced
Statements like “Causes skin irritation” or safety instructions such as “Keep out of the reach of children” there will still be loud Laves but on the packages.
Items that before the beginning of June to the were identified by then applicable specifications, periods of two years may be sold for more. Therefore mixtures with the previous declaration still on the shelves by mid-2017.
From June 24 gene pollen also have the honey throughout the European Union no longer be marked as such. Pollen then are no longer considered “ingredient” in honey, but as a “natural ingredient” and must therefore also no longer be listed in the ingredient list.
The legislator prescribes a more stringent monitoring of operational safety. The adopted in January by the government amendment in force since 2002 Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) shall enter into force on 1 June.
They serve to improve the OSH in the use of work equipment by workers and the protection of third parties in the operation of systems requiring monitoring, explains the Federal Ministry of Labour.
The revised law is to small and medium enterprises, the facilitate application of occupational health and safety regulations. Duplication of rules about the Hazardous Substances Act and the new Water Protection Law of the Federation to be eliminated according to Ministry of Labour for certain documentation and testing.
Lift with inspection sticker
The new regulation wear special black spots statement explains the ministry – such as maintenance, in case of malfunctions or tampering. They also contain special provisions for age-appropriate design of workplaces and means.
violations of the BetrSichV apply in the future as offense and can be prosecuted , Material and equipment checks are given a detailed hand, the other hand should the company carry out certain checks in the future itself. It is sufficient to detect these operations electronically. A paper documentation is often no longer necessary.
Consumers will notice the new rules, for example, in elevators from June. The elevators need a future TÜV seal, similar to the inspection sticker on cars. . It shows the next test date to which must be held at least every two years from 1 June
Bad news there for fans of the paternoster: Elevators without doors likely future be used only by those who have previously received a briefing – about employees in an office building. Visitors they may on the other hand no longer enter.
Association Agreement
Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova had as part of the Eastern Partnership Association Agreement with the European Union (EU) concluded. The aim of this agreement is the EU’s support for the establishment of a functioning constitutional state and a successful market economy.
Following the conclusion of the legal proceedings by the German Bundesrat and Federal President can the individual agreements with the Federal Republic occur as scheduled in June in force.
In order for a new chapter of cooperation with these countries will pitched to peaceful development, says the Federal Government , Your it was a major concern, to promote civil society in the partner countries and to network with NGOs in the EU.
doorstep selling
The right of withdrawal for doorstep contracts concluded before 13 June 2014 ends on 27 June. Background: As of June 2014 in Germany is the EU Consumer Policy
This applies to transactions on the doorstep or distance contracts. At the latest after 12 months and 14 days expires the right of withdrawal – even if there has been no proper Conditions explains the Consumer Saxony
In the past, was in missing or incorrect Conditions for an unlimited period. Withdrawal. “The basic rule is that for existing contracts old law is applied, now takes in things revocation period when missing or incorrect instruction on June 27 to an end,” said legal expert Michael Hummel from the Consumer Advice Centre.

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