Saturday, May 30, 2015

Dusseldorf: What is on Monday changes for tenants – RP ONLINE

Dusseldorf. On June 1 important rules come into force in favor of tenants: The rental price brake and rules for broker commission. NRW will dampen rents along the Rhine. Show Exclusive figures how much prices rise. By Reinhard Kovalevsky and Thomas Reisener

Should the Federal Government their promise. In its coalition agreement the CDU and SPD announced in 2013 easier for the nearly 36 million tenants in Germany – Monday will the new regulations in force

The “buyer” principle does away with the hated broker commission, the tenant will have to pay almost inevitably in metropolitan areas to get to attractive apartments. In future must pay the broker, who commissioned him – usually so well the landlord. Furthermore, to prevent “the rental Brake” that only the wealthy can afford good neighborhood: If an apartment free, the landlord may require the new tenant at most ten percent more than the customary rent that holds any city in the so-called rent index. “This will lead to a strong cap on new rentals,” says Thomas Abraham, market expert at the Research Institute Empirica, “because the offer price of many rental apartments are significantly higher than the rent index in prestigious cities.”

Example Dusseldorf: The square meter in homes built between 1961-1976, according to cost rent index 5.95 Euro to 7.75 Euro in the middle range. But for new leases total calls, according to a calculation of the Institute Empirica for our newspaper every other landlord at least 9.09 euros per square meter, sometimes even more.

But it will take until the “Rent brake” act now is , Because “authorized” the new federal law, the only countries to their implementation. For this they need to define areas where the new Mietdämpfer should apply itself. In any case, does not apply the “Rent brake” for new buildings.

So far Berlin is the only country where the rental rate brake engages at the earliest on 1 June. According to the Ministry apartment it is introduced in NRW earliest to July 1, 2015. And “in the communities in which a tense housing market exists,” said a ministry spokesman. A corresponding report is NRW-Minister of Housing Michael Groschek (SPD) before he considers it, however, still a secret. Only should decide the Cabinet in June. When asked where the introduction of the rent brake is most likely, the spokesman said: “In the well-known metropolitan areas, for example on the

Rhine”. Groschek in particular the rent levels in Dusseldorf publicly criticized in the past. In many districts of Cologne, Bonn and Münster the situation

is considered tense. Even when “ordering principle” there are hooks. It’s an idea from NRW: 2012 demanded Groschek in this newspaper: “Who ordered the broker who also paid him. That’s a fair principle” through the Bundesrat exercised NRW print in Berlin and sat down by – the “buyer principle” becomes law. Nevertheless, tenants associations warn of pitfalls. What will change?

brokers may continue to request up to two net rents plus VAT. Theoretically could broker their money always also the owner charged – but that was possible at best in bad-to-place apartments. Future have to pay the broker, who instructed him. Quite possible that the landlord prefer to take the business therefore again in the future into their own hands. The protest of two brokers who therefore saw their existence in danger, the Federal Constitutional Court dismissed this week.

tenants protectors warn that landlords could the brokerage costs retrieve now over rent increases again. The market will tell if this experiment works. Landlords who renounce this trick, have a competitive advantage. The second option is to high transfer fees for furniture or other furnishings. Should this usurious prices are charged, the tenant can retrieve the money by commencing an action. Prices that exceed the value by half are considered vulnerable

Reported was already of the following stitch:. Agents submit a commission-free apartment, which is then already taken and provide interested parties an alternative to. So might still an accommodation request load of the tenant caused. However, most brokers just invent their profession again. According to a survey of the portal “Real world” want to retire now about 15 percent of brokers from the rental business. A third wants to specialize in rich clients, which the commission is indifferent

Source: RP

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