13:37 clock
The Verdi union exerts massive criticism of the behavior of the Post Board in labor dispute and threatened the group with a comprehensive strike. The board wanted to maximize the profits on the backs of workers and promise to shareholders higher dividends, while the workers should get paid less, criticized Verdi boss Frank Bsirske on the edge of post-general meeting on Wednesday in Frankfurt. The Group sold contract workers and officials as a scab and therefore column the workforce. “This is the message we will not take back,” cried Bsirske. “There is still time to turn back.” Hold the board but to determine its course, “then there can be only one solution and that is strike”. According Bsirkse the union wants then strike that the decision is withdrawn to form new companies, where wages are lower than in the group. “That is our message here from Frankfurt,” cried the head of Verdi in front of hundreds of protesters who repeatedly “Appel out” chanted facing Deutsche Post CEO Frank Appel. From the since the beginning of April the current strikes about 5,500 employees were according to the company on Wednesday 38 of 49 letter and offices concerned. About six percent of the letters and parcels would be
Controversial creation of low-wage companies
Climate between Post and Verdi is poisoned for months. The trigger was the announcement of the post to create thousands of new permanent jobs, but in 49 new companies benefiting from lower wages than in the group. Verdi sees this as breaking existing contracts. The union now wants to enforce 5.5 percent wage increase as well as a shortening of the working week to 36 from 38.5 hours at full pay for the 140,000 public employees of the Group.
The Post had repeatedly emphasized the use of officials to comply with all legal regulations during the Verdi strikes. This also applies to the use of temporary workers, said a post spokesman. This would be used primarily to process the consequences of strikes.
Post wants to save
The German Post wants to hold on in spite of harsh collective conflict on its austerity plan. “Our labor costs are not competitive in the long term,” said Deutsche Post CEO Frank Appel at the AGM according to speech manuscript. “Our long-term tariff structure goes back to times authorities. You are no longer marketable and contemporary. “Appel suggested a slight increase in the dividend to 85 cents and confirmed the profit targets of the Post 2015 of just over three billion euros. dpa / RTR

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