The United States support further IMF aid for Greece.
The United States support a report, additional aid for Greece from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As the newspaper “Die Welt” reported to US officials have signaled their European counterparts that America will use for further loans from the IMF. Prerequisite is, however, that Greece, the second reform package successfully complete.
The background is the fear of the Americans, that a Greek default could trigger turbulence on the international financial markets. In the United States sits the shock of the collapse of investment bank Lehman Brothers triggered, still deep.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is expected to welcome the message. She had once insisted on the participation of the International Monetary Fund in the rescue of Greece. For even more help for the federal government had always made it a condition that the IMF continue to remain in the boat. The institution shall ensure that Greece’s the reforms identified actually penetrated. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had last against repeatedly brought into play, not to involve the IMF at an additional package for his country.
Emerging markets will see a further IMF involvement in the Greek bailout skeptical: As the world reported there with them for some time annoyance that Greece will receive a special treatment. For a small country like Greece, the loans are very high. In addition, they are granted for a long time. For the emerging countries confirms the suspicions that the United States take advantage of the international organization for its own purposes.
Greece needs to repay the International Monetary Fund in early June 300 million euros. In the EU there is now skeptical about whether the country’s resources can still muster.
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Negotiations on a further rescue package has been slow. Although Greece is now apparently willing to reform its tax and also meets in other points. According to EU diplomats, the country must meet the creditors but even more.
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