Once again threatened in Athens so as not to make overdue debt payments to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), if there is no previous solution with the creditors. Specifically, there are approximately 1.5 billion euros, which are repayable to the IMF in June – of which 300 million euros already on 5 June. “I want to be clear: we will not give this money because we do not have it,” Interior Minister Nikos Voutsis said Sunday on Greek television MEGA. He is part of the wing of the ruling party Syriza of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
The Greek Government is still faced with the international donors to reform commitments that must be met by Athens to blocked emergency loans of around EUR 7.2 billion of to receive the end of June expiring utility. The EU Commission confirmed at the weekend that about further in a working group, the so-called Brussels Group is negotiating
Schäuble:. “Greek government has not yet quite a problem TO COPE”
A Successful completion of the current program is also a precondition for negotiating further assistance. “And from that we are unfortunately still a long way away,” German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Sunday in Germany radio. “The Greek government has yet to deal with some problems. I wish her to a lot of strength, and of course it has for all the support, but in order to solve this problem you can not avoid “
Tsipras was the weekend before a new trial of strength – this time in the home. He stood the Central Committee (CC) of his party to answer questions about the negotiations with the international lenders. Keep Greece for more than two years with assistance loans from bankruptcy. More than a quarter of the members of the CC includes the left wing were up in arms against further austerity measures. The leftists demand, for example, the cancellation of all debts, a halt to the privatization of state-owned enterprises, a nationalization of the banks and a hard taxation of large fortunes.
Tsipras sits in own party BY
Tsipras prevailed. The Central Committee of the Syriza party, adopted on Sunday evening majority a decision, the diplomats described as clever tactics and balancing. Who do at home and abroad, he could humiliate Greeks, the Games “with fire”, says the document. The government will sign a new Memorandum (austerity). However, this does not mean that they would not seek solution that is beneficial to both sides (creditors and Athens), it was said
Meanwhile ensures Finance Giani Varoufakis again for excitement. He confirmed on Sunday that he made recordings in Riga, Latvia during the informal meeting of the Euro group in April. He often take on his cell phone recordings of his statements and answers Varoufakis said. “I did that also during the meeting of the Euro Group in Riga,” Varoufakis added without clarifying whether he has received the statements and conversations with the other ministers
Study:. GREECE Comparing locations relegated AT THE END
Greece is the site comparing the industrialized countries cut off the last seats. That’s the finding of a study by the auditing company BDO and the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), which was published on Saturday in the Hanseatic city. Then count the political-legal, sociocultural and economic conditions among the worst in the OECD countries.
The SPD MEP Jakob von Weizsacker warned meanwhile about to let Greece fall. “We should all frustrations you rightly Greece, not to play with fire,” said the financial expert and economist of Deutsche Presse-Agentur in Brussels. Europe runs the risk of underestimating the risks. Although the financial markets could a Greek exit from the euro zone to cope with, but this would detract from the belief in the existence of the euro area as a whole. “It’s a sleeping risk when people give up the belief that the euro zone together is.”

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