Despite the criticism of the group use the Amazon customers still an incredible amount.
The Internet retailer Amazon posted allegedly its German sales not in Luxembourg, but in Germany. The reported the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” and refers to a spokesman for the American company. Consequently, the profits from Germany are also taxed in this country since 1 May for the first time. “We regularly review our corporate structures to ensure that we can serve our customers best,” said the Amazon spokesman.
The EU Commission is currently investigating whether tax agreements with large companies distort competition across EU countries. Specifically in the sights it has the agreements of the iPhone manufacturer Apple with Ireland, the coffee house chain Starbucks with the Netherlands and Amazons and a division of the Italian automaker Fiat to Luxembourg. Because of favorable tax deals pay large corporations on their achieved in the European Union gains often minimal charges.
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How much the the German tax authorities now brings, however, is not yet clear. Amazon is – in contrast to Google or Apple – no company, the high profits achieved and regularly identifies even losses. The reason is that the company CEO Jeff Bezos put far mainly priority on growing the business and not on the profitability of his company.
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