Thursday, May 28, 2015

Greece and its lenders – How Tsipras and Schäuble talks … – Sü

Tspiras speaks of the “home stretch” where there is none. Schäuble puts Syriza in the vicinity of the SED. In the Greece talks it hooked not only on the merits, but also human – which might lead to Grexit.

Comment by Ulrich Schäfer

Yes, what now? What is the state of play in the struggle for Greece? “We are on the home stretch,” Alexis Tsipras announced on Wednesday, after he had consulted with his Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and his negotiators, leading discussions with the EU Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Brussels. All good then? No, not at all. Because the denial followed immediately -. Only from Brussels, then in Dresden, where days from this Thursday to the Finance Ministers of the G-7 countries

As a first disagreed Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice President of the European Commission, the is responsible for the euro: “We are not ready,” he announced, as soon as the news agencies had disseminated the statements of Tsipras and the stock market in Europe and on Wall Street in the face of seemingly good news had rocketed upwards. When evening came forward then, annoyed noticeably, Wolfgang Schäuble also have their say, in the next two days his counterparts from the leading industrialized countries has a guest in Dresden. It is, the Minister of Finance said in the ARD, “always a little surprised that is always said from Athens so we were close to an agreement”. This agreement but do not give it.

Greek Prime Minister Tsipras “We are on the home stretch”

Actually, to the G-7 advise Treasury on other topics. But Greece outshines everything – partly because Prime Minister Tsipras with surprising statements confusing.

standstill, no progress

It is surprising especially: This time did not care Yanis Varoufakis confusion, the omnipresent in the media finance minister who Schäuble since Weeks drives to incandescence. No, this time it was the Prime Minister personally, which caused confusion. Tsipras declared a state of negotiations, from which one – if you Schäuble and Dombrovskis follows – is far away. “The negotiations between the three institutions and the Greek Government are in the matter is not very much progressed,” Schaeuble said. So standstill. No progress

Tsipras has done with his research utterances no favors. On the contrary, he has tried repeatedly to capture his ministerial roster if that had pushed the European negotiators again in front of the head for weeks. His finance minister has disempowered in the negotiations with Brussels partially Tsipras. Multiple Tsipras also had his Interior Minister Nikos Voutsis correct when – despite no jurisdiction – expressed to the Greek state finances. Voutsis time spoke of a looming national bankruptcy, to make Europeans fear, and then last weekend from the fact that Greece could not afford its payments to the IMF. Not true, you’ll pay as long as the money was there, Tsipras was immediately assured.

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Juncker on Greece ” Varoufakis helps the process is not “

amnesty for black money owners, fees for withdrawing money: Greece Finance Varoufakis urgently needs money – criticism now comes from the EU Commission President.

Do not worry so, then the message. But now evident: you have to worry yet. Even Tsipras manages to encounter Europeans from the head. He pushed his remark that the agreement was near, even afterwards, Greece must now prove in the final phase of negotiations “coolness and determination.” Determination, yes certainly. Everyone should have negotiator. But callousness? The Varoufakis has already proven to satisfy – least because he admitted having recorded the Euro-group meeting in Riga

“I used as interior minister negotiates with SED ministers”


But the Europeans, led by Wolfgang Schäuble, create it in regularity to push the Greeks stunned. Expressions, as they were made public on Wednesday by Schäuble, are unhelpful to improve the negotiating climate. Asked about his difficult relationship with Varoufakis, said German Finance Minister in an interview with the Time : “You know, I have previously negotiated as interior minister with SED Ministers You can not always choose your partner. but you need to work with them. ” Schäuble is experienced enough to know what it provokes: namely numerous headlines that he puts the Greek finance minister in the vicinity of the SED regime. Varoufakis will his own thinking -. And soon countered as usual

debt crisis Greece and the” playing with fire “

Athens Premier Tsipras prevails in his party, and may prevent a payment stop for the IMF debt. At the same time his finance minister Varoufakis provides again for excitement.

All of this shows that in the talks between Greece and the other EU countries there is a lack not only of money (and not merely to the necessary reform efforts of the Greeks). There is a lack especially on mutual trust. But if in a negotiation the other not at least a little familiar, and who is not able to understand the other, at least in broad terms and to empathize with him, which will never be able to agree. Instead of focusing solely on the matter, is constantly debated, who hath now pierced or that again this misrepresented.

And so it might be the end, that there are no objective reasons for Grexit – but because here people can not with one another; and because the personal animosities prevail on both sides at the end. But Europe is at the end of a project, in which it not only deals with the convergence of nations, but has lived it and still lives that politicians are approached personally to each other – even those who previously mistrusted

That would be in these days in which it comes to the possible exit of Greece, the first exit of a country from the European community at all, more necessary than ever.

Greek director Syllas Tzoumerkas “The world of the parents will collapse”

The Greek crisis is also a crisis of the family: The boys make their parents’ generation for the misery responsible. About this anger you have to talk, says director Syllas Tzoumerkas and explained their reasons. Interview


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