Thursday, May 28, 2015

Lagarde includes Grexit not – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung




The International Monetary Fund (IMF) includes withdrawal of Greece from the euro area no longer expressly. “Nobody wants the Europeans a Grexit” said the Executive Director of the Fund, Christine Lagarde, in an interview with this newspaper on the edge of the G-7 finance ministers meeting in Dresden. The negotiations were not a walk, but the IMF is not naive.


Kerstin Schwenningen author: Kerstin Schwenningen, business correspondent in Berlin  Werner Mussler Author:. Werner Mussler, economics correspondent in Brussels

The statements of the IMF Director demonstrate the growing impatience of creditors with Athens. Lagarde disagreed Greek statements, according to which the negotiations with the “institutions” – which are in addition to the IMF, the European Commission and the European Central Bank – were close to completion. “It’s very unlikely that we will reach a comprehensive solution in the next few days,” Lagarde said. After there had been from Athens ten days before positive signals, “we were sobered again in the past week.” It should be “a vast field to plow.”


Given the threat of Greek state bankruptcy concluded the IMF director, the disbursement of loans of the Fund without the conclusion of a clean reform agreement made. “We have rules, we have principles. There can be no half-baked program review. “This review go” not the quick-fix method “. In order for a regular payout of the remaining loans by the end of the utility of the euro countries is the end of June almost impossible. Because this requires an agreement between all three “institutions” with Athens; only then could release the remaining loans totaling 7.2 billion euros, the competent bodies of the creditors.



FAZ Read more in the F.A.Z. from 29.05.2015. On the eve before the F.A.Z. App and e-paper.


Lagarde made it clear that she does not see the responsibility for the fate of Greece in the currency union from the IMF. If the Europeans wanted to avoid a looming state bankruptcy in the coming weeks, they would even take precautions. If the conditions are met, the euro countries and the ECB could “give a little breathing space” to the Greeks.


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debt crisis

Lagarde includes Grexit not

Kerstin Schwenningen and Werner Mussler

The IMF includes withdrawal of Greece from the euro area no longer expressly. Speaking to the F.A.Z. sends IMF chief Lagarde also a clear message in the event that the euro States Athens necessarily want to keep the euro.

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