Federal Constitutional Court could overturn the bargaining unit, as it violates the freedom of association. If the small unions win in Karlsruhe, would the big its members not only to explain why they have less taken out in collective talks as the strike funny competition. You would also explain why people should still be a member of them. " class=" jsimageselector hidden " data-slidesrc="http://bc01.rp-online.de/polopoly_fs/pressestimmen-platzhalter-financial-times-deutschland-gibt-1.4895423.1424618881!image/3927922364.jpg_gen/derivatives/dx510/3927922364.jpg" height=" 331 " src="">
So the media report on the controversial tariff law of unity in Germany – After five years of Germany returns to the principle of” one operation – a collective agreement “back
Photo:. Qvist /Shutterstock.com/Retusche RPO
Rheinische Post: “The decision for a bargaining unit, law yesterday in the Bundestag marks a black day in the History of the social market economy. Mag of displeasure with the power awareness and dubious motives expansion of train drivers’ union to be large, the political interference in the collective bargaining carries a high political risk, the effect of which could be worse than the strike by train drivers. It is not only populist opposition politicians, but also renowned constitutional lawyers who keep the law for unconstitutional. If the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe see this similar – after all, the policy explain the law collective agreements smaller unions void – this would be a blow to a coalition that is actually worn by Union and SPD by the parties of the social market economy and free collective bargaining , The coalition needs to be a rule of law coalition. And the strike is one of them to the world-renowned system of free collective bargaining. Even if he is uncomfortable and exaggerated. “
Photo: Qvist /Shutterstock.com/Retusche RPO
Mittelbayrische newspaper: “The temporal relationship is striking. Just ended the ninth strike of the small train drivers union (GDL), while the Bundestag announced yesterday the tariff law of unity ahead. Nevertheless, the Parliament’s decision is not Lex GDL. The need to ensure legal clarity in the case of competing workers’ organizations in a company has existed since 2010. At that time, the Federal Labour Court broke with the proven six decades rule. A company – an agreement “
Qvist /Shutterstock.com/Retusche RPO
Trierischer Volksfreund: “By 2010, regarded as a sort of unwritten Law: an operation, a collective agreement. And no one can argue that Germany would be so bad risks. The Republic stands therefore also economically so strong because the collective partnership works because unions act responsibly as a rule. Meanwhile, there are signs, however, that small craft unions have other ideas. Minorities thus become a power that majorities dominate in order to abuse them for wayward objectives. The Bundestag wants to put a leash on such unions. The only question is whether the law on collective bargaining unit for this is an appropriate means. The construction is constitutionally tricky because at the end of a collective agreement may be replaced by another. A union but which is not capable rate, may dissolve itself also equal. “
Photo: Qvist /Shutterstock.com/Retusche RPO
Stuttgarter Zeitung: “The legal debate over whether the now agreed tariff unit Act is constitutionally fixed, it must be clarified in Karlsruhe. On the factual level, the decision is simple: the law is extremely useful, because it overwrites the old principle of “one operation, one union” firmly back . If small craft unions on strike for more pay and influence, they strike against not only their employers but also their colleagues in the same establishment. The new law may make industrial peace on a better basis. Yes, the big DGB unions benefit. But it is precisely these have joined in the past workers’ interests and a sense of proportion to each other. Unity is strength – both sides of industry “
Photo: Qvist /Shutterstock.com/Retusche RPO
. Mannheimer Morgen: “The best reason for a bargaining unit, the law is the head of the train drivers’ union Claus Weselsky. With what insolence this decal from a respectable union has taken millions of rail travelers in several ways hostage for his clientele is almost impossible to beat in terms of self-indulgence. In future it will no longer come to such excesses. Yesterday, the Bundestag passed a law, which provides that in future trade disputes between unions in a company, as was the case with the web, only authorized to negotiate a collective agreement that have the most members. The Weselsky Born and raised in Dresden may have not learned in school to the curricula of the GDR, but something called democracy “
Photo:. Qvist /Shutterstock.com/Retusche RPO
Braunschweiger Zeitung: “This is a step backwards. Much better it would have been, the trade unions have clarified with each other, how they deal with each other in conflicts. The law was promoted to bargaining unit from strike by train drivers. It was not just about money but also about power. Certainly the policy could have given the unions more time to settle their dispute. Responsible for the law, they are, however, even you have a piece of collective bargaining sacrificed, because they have forgotten the principle that freedom always includes the obligation to deal responsibly with it “
Photo:.. Qvist / Shutterstock. manufacture “Andrea Nahles’ attempt bargaining unit in a legal way: com / retouching RPO
The People’s Voice will fail with a high probability. Apart from the fact that it is not certain whether their law is constitutional. It is also unrealistic. The Bahn AG is like most large companies from many independent business units. In each each must be determined as social partners “majority trade union”. The employer must therefore continue to deal with several unions that may all go on strike. Train driver could also be paid to different tariffs. The confusion is even greater when train drivers change within the web or the Bahn AG restructured. The legislature would have been better to adopt rules that impede strikes in sectors of particular public importance and predictability. Longer notice periods or settlement could be forced to enforce the Constitution. “
Photo: Qvist /Shutterstock.com/Retusche RPO
Kölner Stadt Anzeiger: “For a long time does not work Clause tempers so heated as the bargaining unit law. After its adoption by Parliament, it would be time for a little more sobriety. It is absurd for the Left Party accuses the SPD, they tell the workers the right to strike and loop. After all, employers and DGB had called together, the principle of “one operation, a collective agreement” restore. In fact, it is highly problematic, as more and more competitive small unions on strike not for higher wages, but also for the expansion of its sphere of influence. This leads to a lack of solidarity, to enforce their interests in the pilot, engineer or IT professional of a company. Those who do not sit on the shift lever, has the disadvantage. “
Photo: Qvist /Shutterstock.com/Retusche RPO
Märkische Oder Zeitung: “The procedure, which is designed to ascertain where that union can come to train, should not serve the peace operation. That as the Union brawlers GDL and EVG peacefully agree on who is responsible for whom the railways, we may exclude well. Then to be counted. But who actually determines which organization has more members? But not about the top management? If the employees are forced to confession? Or unions to exact information about their strength? The bare madness. Whether this condition is ever permanent, may be doubted. Finally, it is only five years ago that the highest courts the bargaining unit has been declared unconstitutional. “
Photo: Qvist /Shutterstock.com/Retusche RPO
Swabian newspaper: ” The bargaining unit is small law unions the task rob to negotiate wages and working conditions. Even the right to strike would be up for debate. Companies, major unions and the federal government agree how rare that this would ensure greater peace in the factories. But perhaps the bill was made without the landlord. The Federal Constitutional Court could overturn the bargaining unit, as it violates the freedom of association. If the small unions win in Karlsruhe, would the big its members not only to explain why they have less taken out in collective talks as the strike funny competition. You would also explain why people still member should be with them “
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