Friday, May 22, 2015

Press on the tariff law of unity – RP ONLINE

Press on the tariff law of unity

How the media report on the controversial tariff law of unity in Germany - After five years of Germany returns to the principle of Operation -. a collective agreement back

Press on the tariff law of unity

Press on the tariff law of unity

Press on the tariff law of unity

Press on the tariff law of unity

Stuttgarter Zeitung: The legal debate over whether the now agreed tariff unit Act is constitutionally determined must be clarified in Karlsruhe. On the factual level, the decision is simple: the law is extremely useful, because it overwrites the old principle Operation, a union firmly.<br /> If small craft unions on strike for more pay and influence, they strike against not only their employers but also their colleagues in the same establishment. The new law may make industrial peace on a better basis. Yes, the big DGB unions benefit. But it is precisely these have joined in the past workers’ interests and a sense of proportion to each other. . Strength through unity – both sides of industry “height  =” 331 “class =” jsimageselector hidden “/> </figure>  <figure>  <h2> Press on the tariff law of unity </h2>  <p> <img src =

Press on the tariff law of unity

Press on the tariff law of unity

Press on the tariff law of unity

Press on the tariff law of unity

Press on the tariff law of unity

Federal Constitutional Court could overturn the bargaining unit, as it violates the freedom of association. If the small unions win in Karlsruhe, would the big its members not only to explain why they have less taken out in collective talks as the strike funny competition. You would also explain why people should still be a member of them. " class=" jsimageselector hidden " data-slidesrc="!image/3927922364.jpg_gen/derivatives/dx510/3927922364.jpg" height=" 331 " src="">

So the media report on the controversial tariff law of unity in Germany – After five years of Germany returns to the principle of” one operation – a collective agreement “back

Photo:. Qvist / RPO


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