Tuesday, May 26, 2015

+++ +++ Greek crisis: Chief of the European rescue fund warns … – ABC Online

Updated on Tuesday, 26.05.2015, 11:04
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Find EU and Greece still a way out of the crisis? Or is it already too late? In Greece, the pressure on the government is growing. . All the information in the news ticker

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The facts:. Greece politicians appear divided: while Interior Minister Voutsis preclude repayment to the IMF and the institutions sees the duty of the government spokesman says precisely this payment to (Monday, 15.09 clock). Klaus Regling, head of the European rescue fund ESM, warns meanwhile in front of a Greek default (Tuesday, 14.06 clock).

Varoufakis complains of “unbearably high” targets

10.54 Clock: Greek Finance Varoufakis has expressed in a commentary for the Italian newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore” about the current situation in his country. The required reforms could Greece only perform if would dispense with tough austerity measures, writes the news agency “Reuters”, citing those same commentary.

“will talk About what? About an independent control authority that a permanent primary surplus, a meaningful and ambitious privatization program, a genuine reform of the pension system, liberalization of markets for goods and services, “Varoufakis is quoted there.

At the same time the Greek finance minister on the action” unacceptably high “targets a primary surplus (budget excluding interest costs), reports “Reuters”. Only if the international donors would cease to hold on to these demands, Greece could achieve its goals. “Our government can not and will not accept a healing method over five years, which has proved to be worse than the disease”, Varoufakis

Chief of the European rescue fund ESM will continue to be referred. Warns against state bankruptcy

Tuesday, 26 May, 06.14 clock: The head of the European rescue fund ESM, Klaus Regling, warns of a Greek default. In an interview with the newspaper “Bild” Regling said: “Time is running out why we are working day and night to reach an agreement without agreement with donors Greece gets borrowed no new money then threatens a government default This poses great risks….. Even an unpaid installment from the IMF would be dangerous. That would have an impact on other creditors like us. On the other hand assigns the bailout loans only if reforms are implemented. The same is true now, the only way the Greek economy healthy. “

Regling stressed that the rescue package is quite capable, Greece paid out billions more help, when Athens with the creditors on a mandatory reform list some: “When an agreement and consent of all euro countries Greece could we relatively quickly get last loan installment of EUR 1.8 billion and a further 1.8 billion euros in central bank profits. Similarly, much lies with the IMF provides. Together, the 7.2 billion euros. To get this money, Greece has to implement further reforms. “

Basically stood enough resources at its disposal in order to calm the markets in the future, Regling said. A third rescue package concluded the ESM-chief not to demand from: “Greece has already borrowed 130.9 billion euros received from the bailout fund. Now it comes to the successful completion of the current program. Only then it can be assessed whether further help is needed. The ESM has sufficient financing options for all eventualities. . This is important to reassure the markets “

A withdrawal of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from the Greek bailout is Regling critical:” The IMF has for decades carried on valuable experience in the renovation of crisis countries in the world emergency loans and reforms. Germany and other euro countries wish therefore that the IMF in Greece definitely remains. “

Varoufakis called Greece a” milk cow that is beaten “

16:09 Clock: Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis has funders again criticized publicly in an interview with the BBC he said. “Greece has made enormous steps to reach an agreement. Now it is up to the institutions to do their part. “Athens had gone three-quarters of the way, now the lenders would have to cover your area.

The fact that Greece will pay not only salaries and pensions, but also the debts to the IMF .. “At some point, we will no longer be able to do”: operator, it “extremely well” for a country that does not versorge directly on the markets, but warns Varoufakis Then his choice was clear, the repeated – namely for . Pensions

Even against the “Austeritätsfalle” the politician thundered again: “It can not be in the interests of the institutions that the cow that gives milk, beaten until the milk is no longer sufficient to get their money back. “Varoufakis also warned to take a possible Grexit lightly:” If Greece exits, it is only a matter of time before the whole structure (EU) begins to dissolve “

Athens government spokesman: are nearing agreement

Monday, May 25, 15.14 Clock: Athens wants the obligations to its creditors but meet , This said the Greek government spokesman Gabriel Sakellaridis reporters on Monday in Athens. Sakellaridis was responding to statements made by the Greek Interior Minister Nikos Voutsis and other government officials from the previous day, according to which Greece will not pay the next installments of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

rumors about the imposition of capital controls in the coming days in Greece because of the dramatic liquidity situation denied Sakellaridis. Capital controls and similar “disaster scenarios” will not give it, he said. The Athens government spokesman said further that negotiations with creditors would continue on Tuesday in Brussels. Athens was optimistic that it will soon come to an agreement. The conditions for so long negotiations for an agreement were ripe, Sakellaridis said

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