Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sponsors make the Fifa pressure – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



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Major sponsors of the FIFA World Cup as Coca-Cola and McDonald’s increasing pressure on the world governing body Fifa. The credit card company Visa even threatened to cancel the sponsorship. Visa urged “swift and immediate action” to fix the problems within FIFA. “If FIFA does not do this, we informed you that we would evaluate our sponsorship new”, the company said in a statement.


Previously, several top officials of the Fifa had been arrested because the Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office is investigating them – in relation to the award of the World Championships 2018 and 2022 to Russia and Qatar. There is suspicion of corruption. After a long period of growing controversy over the procedure of the Fifa now pushing many sponsors from the business community to educate.


“This ongoing controversy overshadowed the mission and ideals of the Fifa World Cup. We have repeatedly expressed our concern about these serious allegations expressed, “it said about Coke in a statement. It was expected by FIFA that the issues are thoroughly addressed, and this would all questions are answered. Furthermore, going by FIFA full cooperation with the investigating authorities expected.


Also, McDonald’s said, you stand with the Association “in this matter” in contact. “The news from the US Department of Justice are extremely worrying”. The fast-food company will continue to monitor the situation closely.


Hyundai “extremely concerned”

The South Korean carmaker Hyundai said in a press release that it would monitor the situation closely. “As a company, for the ethical standards and transparency have the highest priority, we are extremely concerned about the initiated legal action against certain Fifa executives.”


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Whether the sponsors are ultimately retreat in the face of such in the media coverage related event like the World Cup remains unclear , It is to be expected that major sponsors, including Adidas and

Visa, are not glangen despite the “systemic and deep-rooted corruption” to the conclusion that it is processes that are comparable to doping or drug abuse, said Kevin Alavy of media research group Futures Sport & amp; Entertainment.


Alavy explains: “Corruption can take many different forms and some forms are more important than others for the fans.” This applies in particular, if the integrity of the game is at risk – about the doping or targeted manipulation of the output of a game. “This form of corruption may cause the most damage,” he says. Observers believe, however, that it can not afford big sponsors nor that their reputation is tarnished only by a hint of wrongdoing.


In an unusual action now exerts even a newspaper pressure on the sponsors to use their power to FIFA: Because of the corruption scandal, the Dutch ‘Nederlands Dagblad’ ads will boycott of FIFA sponsors. The companies would use their power to end corruption in Fifa said the chief editor Sjirk Kuijper, on Thursday in the Dutch radio. The newspaper called the reader for a boycott of products of companies that sponsor the World Cup. “The only language understood these organizations, is money, and the money comes from us,” said the editor in chief. The strict Protestant newspaper has a circulation of around 20,000 copies.


Human rights violations in Qatar criticized

Visa, Hyundai (along with its sister company Kia Motors), Adidas, Coca-Cola and Gazprom are among the ongoing marketing partners of Fifa. From this pool, the airline Emirates and Sony had got the end of 2014. Instead of running talks with Samsung and Qatar Airways on cooperation. Other sponsors are the brand Budweiser the world’s largest brewing group Anheuser-Busch InBev and McDonald’s.


Before the discovery of the corruption investigations against several top officials football Coca-Cola and Visa had already prompted Fifa last week to engage more forcefully to use against human rights abuses in the World Cup host country Qatar.


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corruption scandal

Sponsors make the Fifa pressure


McDonald’s, Hyundai, Coca-Cola – a lot of sponsors of the World Cup were critical to the FIFA corruption scandal. Visa threatens even indirectly to a termination of the sponsorship. Whether it really come to this? Experts are skeptical.

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