A Saarbrücken manufacturer has all batches of a recalled at Rewe Sold apple desserts. In the dessert glass fragments may be located. If it were the product sold in the supermarket chain “ Feine Welt apple composition dairy dessert ” reported that operated by the federal and state Internet portal lebensmittelwarnung.de.
Consumers should return the product in the market. Affected were only desserts with the before date June 3 and the EAN code 4,388,844,164,390th The goods have already been taken in the shops from the sale.Even when the Rewe group belonging discounter Penny is a callback been launched: Fearing possible plastic particles customer specific chocolate tablets should return.
likely to be
affected the variety “ Choco’la whole nut chocolate 100g ” with the before date 18/01/2016 (EAN Code: 23755536), divided Penny in Cologne. From consumption will “strongly discouraged”. 

Other expiration dates or EAN codes are not affected. Affected products were taken in the markets supplied from the sale. Even Penny offers customers to take back the chocolate and to reimburse the price.

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