Thursday, May 28, 2015

Nahles wants license for Paternoster driving – THE WORLD

In Stuttgart the Town Hall is one of the big attractions. That the sober post-war from 1956 even attracts many foreign visitors groups, probably has quite a lot to do with the inner life. So are the three ancient Paternoster im Rathaus “just for non-residents to the major highlights,” says Fabian Schlabach, a spokesman for the city administration.

Photo: AP makes you soon the Paternoster diploma? Federal Labour Minister Andrea Nahles <= "p1" class = "prefix_1 text artContent" p id> but according to the will of the Federal Labour Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD), the doorless lifts shall probably soon parked in such a lift in Bochum

be -. much to the chagrin of the Stuttgart-tourists and to the chagrin of the employees in the municipal administration

For a new “Betriebssicherheitsverordnung” prohibited Nahles operating carousels in public traffic. The prohibition shall enter into force already on 1st June. The aim of the new federal rule is a rule out accidents involving the constantly revolving cabins chains once and for all.

why prescribes the Nahles regulation that in the future only may still use company employees Paternoster. And even allowed to ride only if they have been previously admitted by the employer with an “Instruction Manual” in the proper use of equipment. “The employer must ensure that persons Paternosters be used by trained employees through him,” it says literally in the new regulation. Violators, however, commits an offense and must reckon with a fine in the event of being caught.

The new regulation of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) moved immediate criticism of liberal forces at: “Nahles’ excessive regulation does not even before the historic elevators halt” sneered FDP leader Christian Lindner: “Instead of making Germany fit for the future, the Secretary of Labor loses in small-small.”

700 Paternoster in use

However, the driver’s license requirement for Paternoster drivers far more than just a party pooper for Stuttgart-tourists , Throughout Germany the Technical Inspection Agencies are estimates of the Federation estimated 700 Paternoster in use. In the German Patent Office in Munich as well as in the Goethe University in Frankfurt / Main or the publishing house Axel Springer in Berlin

Throughout the orbital elevators contribute to the smooth operation. Companies, institutions and authorities whose employees summed hours and days of valuable work time waiting in front of closed elevator doors to waste, look enviously at the Paternoster-owners whose employees are able to move unrestrained between the floors of their homes.

Because Nahles’ security regulation now many fear paternoster owner that they must leave their elevators all because they simply can not rule out that sometimes external persons get into the vertical carousel.

Just the Stuttgart Town Hall one fears the worst. The green led by Mayor Fritz Kuhn administration maintains the concept of an open town hall: Anyone can walk around in and where he wants. So the three Paternoster of the house are used daily by around 1,800 passengers.

Given this large stream of visitors it is considered in the city administration for hopeless, before the lifts quasi to install a people-sieve, which can distinguish between

legitimate Paternoster users and those of their transportation foul in the Lord’s Prayer-cabins, untrained and might want to sneak just for fun reasons. Consequence: The entire lift should be parked

Fatal Accident in Denmark

At any accidents with the Stuttgart. could paternosters here but nobody remember, provides municipal government spokesman Schlabach firmly. In addition, the plants had been in 2004 retrofitted with so-called dampers: hooked somewhere a foot getting out, interrupting the power supply and the cabin chain stops immediately

. The Federal Ministry of Labour justified the ban on the use of Paternoster in the public nevertheless with the serious accidents of the past. Serious accidents, including fatal cases, there have been with paternosters repeatedly. Died until Wednesday this week in the Danish capital Copenhagen a man in a round-lift. The 80-year-old had stumbled in the “Axelborg” said Building in downtown in the elevator, was crushed and died.

Whether the investment in Copenhagen Axelborg with equipped a protective flap, was not initially to ascertain. Nor is it easy to elicit whether there has been also in Germany to introduce the new dampers technique still in serious accidents since 2002 accidents with and in elevators no longer in this country registered centrally

Nahles Ministry now rowed back

The Ministry has in any case the authorship for the introduction of new regulations in the countries: They’ve only with the new rules needs addressed, which had been put forward by the labor protection authorities of the federal states. “The circles and participating countries have been involved extensively in this process and have no complaints ruled on,” said a spokesman for the Federal Minister of Labour Nahles on demand.

Nevertheless, fell the protests from local authorities and companies with circulation elevators so loudly out that the Ministry now back-pedaling. Although the safety regulation will go as planned on June 1 to come into force, it is now in the Ministry. However, you’ll make then immediately to a change in the rules.

In the rectification of safety regulation, the federal states are empowered to check in individual cases exemptions for Audience operation of paternosters adopt. “Even in this way, the intention of the German government to counter a non-safety-relevant use of carousels, be taken into account”, reportedly the BMAS. “Optimally, could the Regulation then the end of the year will be announced.”

The back and forth of the Ministry of Labour in terms of operational reliability is for connoisseurs of the matter is nothing new. So the ministry had last year want to loosen the safety in normal elevators rather – despite the now planned tightening security for Paternoster. The plan was to let ordinary elevators check only once every two years in future technology. The annual intermediate examinations by independent TÜV should be abandoned. This could be achieved without compromising security, was the rationale at that draft regulation.

In the Bundesrat’s planned Nahles elevator Regulation was then shot down. Since then, the standard has always been annual safety checks for elevators.

apply again


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