Find EU and Greece still a way out of the crisis? Or is it already too late? In Greece, the pressure on the government is growing. All information in the news ticker.
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The facts:. Greece must face his creditors, and finally implement reforms. In his homeland, the left government Tsipras is why before an internal showdown. (15:21) where Tspiras “some representatives of creditors” had the right to benefit from the liquidity problems of Greece and his government would not “irrational demands” fulfill (18.42 clock)
Tsipras sees in Europe debt crisis in the mandatory
18.42 Clock: In the Greek debt crisis, the government in Athens Europe sees the train. “We have done what we had to do, now Europe’s turn”, the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Saturday in front of the Central Committee of his party left Syriza. Greece was “in the final meters of a painful and difficult phase”. The majority of Greeks were expecting a “viable solution and not just an agreement,” Tsipras said.
Tsipras accused “some representatives of the creditors’ right to benefit from the liquidity problems of Greece. His government would meet any “irrational demands” and insist that certain “lines are not exceeded”. So Athens will not discuss a “large-scale deregulation” of the wage system and also agree to any further reduction in pensions.
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France’s Finance Minister Michel Sapin, meanwhile urged to pass the reform the creditors with Athens. An exit from the euro zone would be a “catastrophe” for Greece and “a problem for the euro zone,” Sapin said Saturday after a meeting with his Portuguese colleague Maria Luis Albuquerque in Lisbon.
On Friday, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) stated that they do not see any rapid solution of the Greek crisis. “There is still a lot to do,” she said after meeting with Tsipras in Riga. Athens must still “very, very intensive” negotiate with the creditor institutions before new money flowed, Merkel said.
showdown for Tsipras for austerity measures
“It is hailing criticism, but Tsipras will win through,” said a senior party functionary of Syriza Deutsche Presse-Agentur. Tsipras wants to feel the pulse of his party. More than a quarter of the members of the Central Committee belong to the left wing and are up in arms against further austerity measures. It is among other things to a real estate tax, which is not abolished, and the possible withholding of a 13th monthly pension of pensioners with less than 700 euros pension. In addition, the minimum wage should not be increased for the time being.
On the day before to Tsipras had met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande. This had indeed offered him her help, but requires, Athens had to first with the experts of the creditor by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the EU to agree on austerity measures.
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