Beetles worked almost 60 years in the restaurant business. The grocery store of his parents he built with his brother from a delicatessen shop, founded a party service and later a noble restaurant. In the seventies he made with extravagant parties a name in the Munich High Society. Since 1971 Beetle was also active in the Munich Oktoberfest as a host, the beetles Wiesn-Schänke is represented today at the festival. From the late seventies beetles also appeared as a nightclub owner and author of cookbooks in appearance.

Gerd Käfer cooked for, among others, Queen Elizabeth II. of England, Mikhail Gorbachev, as well as almost all US presidents between 1960 and 2010.
Beetles should in Munich will be buried, a date was not yet clear at first. According to Abendzeitung Beetle has its own funeral already planned years ago, ordered a grave marker and added a farewell video of his relatives, to be played at the funeral.
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