The current tax agreement with the EU S.à.rl dates back to 2003. It stipulated that Amazon the majority of its profits in the EU in Luxembourg recognized, but he is not there or taxable only in very small degree. The level of discount for the American online retailer in Luxembourg correspond to previous estimates “may not be the market conditions”, the Commission stated already in October. Because in comparison to other companies to procure Amazon probably an economic advantage.
Amazon has changed its business practices in the UK. Similar to the German model the Group records also its British sales since May 1 on a local branch.
Many large US corporations are for their control tricks in the criticism. They combine their European operations in subsidiaries, which are located in countries with low tax rates, such as Apple and Google posted its revenue in Ireland. Apple has a special deal in Ireland and pay less than two per cent corporate tax. Royalties to other branch company in turn let the profits of many companies shrink so far that often, as in the case of Amazon, at the end of the income and expense statement is a negative balance. Then hardly taxes will be due.
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