Saturday, May 23, 2015

Company: Munich Gastronomy legend Gerd Käfer dead – ABC Online

Saturday , 23.05.2015, 13:45
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Munich (dpa) – The Munich Caterer and former Wiesn host Gerd beetle is dead. The 82-year-old died early Saturday morning a long battle with cancer. His wife Uschi Ackermann confirmed the German Press Agency a report of the Munich “Abendzeitung”.

beetles died in the presence of his wife and his son in his apartment in Munich’s Bogenhausen , He is to be buried at the Munich East Cemetery, a date for the funeral has not yet been fixed.

The restaurateur was considered a Munich original, were among its

guests in addition to numerous stars and politicians and members of royal houses. At the age of almost 20 years, he took over his parents’ delicatessen, 1956, he opened his first shop. A few years later he founded a party service, was host at the Oktoberfest and wrote several cookbooks. He received, among others, the Order of Merit and the Bavarian Order of Merit. In 1995 he gave the management completely to his son Michael continued, founded new restaurants and shops.

In addition to his hometown Munich Beetle also had residences in Kitzbühel, Wiesbaden and Sylt. In addition to his long-time girlfriend and later wife Uschi Ackermann was also the common dog “Sir Henry” and “Pussinka” constant companion beetle. They were also present when he died. “The boobs were crying,” said Ackermann. She had spent the last few days almost constantly at his side. His funeral was planned was still alive beetle – with performances of prominent friends. “You should be colorful,” Ackermann said.


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