Saturday, May 30, 2015

Even after the G-7 meeting remains uncertainty: anxiety in Greece, Hope … – Tagesspiegel

10:17 clock

Greece and its funders runs in the fight against the threat of national bankruptcy of time. Until June 5, Greece will have to pay 300 million to the IMF.

Greece is under pressure. Despite hectic crisis diplomacy at top level for a week no agreement on further funding became apparent before the next payday for Athens. The current utility runs at 30 June from.

“The positive news from Athens are not yet reflected fully in the conversation state of government in Athens with donors resist,” German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) said on Friday in Dresden after consultations the finance ministers and central bank governors of the seven leading industrialized countries (G7). The Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said in an interview with radio station Vima FM that his country had achieved with donors further rapprochement. He expected that both sides would soon agree on a “comprehensive and good agreements”.

Debt in billions

The threat of bankruptcy country desperately needs fresh money the international donors. Greece has more than 300 million euros to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to repay to 5 June. A total of more than 1.55 billion euros from the IMF are due in June. Reports on a set of funders deadline

for reaching an agreement by June 4, have not been confirmed. Not excluded, however, that donors provide the ultimate offering for a compromise package in view of the slow progress Athens.

Greece was in Dresden officially not an issue of discussion. But to the two-day financial summit also ECB President Mario Draghi, the euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem and EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici had traveled next IMF chief Christine Lagarde. So the chiefs of all donors were represented, the negotiations with Athens

hope for Ukraine

hope of support may be after the summit, however, make another crisis state -. Ukraine. “We are determined to do everything possible to support them in their ambitious reform agenda, the Ukrainian government,” Schaeuble said after the summit. In particular, the ongoing negotiations in the country with creditors on debt restructuring would have to be taken forward. The G-7 countries had agreed among other things, with the International Monetary Fund in March an aid program worth around $ 40 billion. (AP / RTR)


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