Sunday, May 24, 2015

Greece: No more money for repayment to the IMF –

Greece is can not afford to words of Interior Minister Nikos Voutsis the forthcoming next month debt repayment to the International Monetary Fund. “The four installments of the IMF in June amounted to 1.6 billion euros”, Voutsis said on Sunday in a show of Mega TV. This money will not be paid because it was not available


The highly indebted Greece wrestles with international donors to an agreement that allows the disbursement of aid loans. But however reform commitments of the government in Athens are needed which seeks an agreement by the end of May. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras called the international donors on Saturday to make compromises on

Tsipras:. “There are limits”


On Saturday the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had called on the international donors of his country to compromise: “We have made concessions, but we have our limits,” the prime minister said on Saturday at a meeting of his left Syriza party in Athens.

He’ll unreasonable demands, such as the amount of VAT or a further

liberalization of the labor market, do not give in. Other pension cuts or drastic austerity measures will not give it. He also reiterated that Greece located in the negotiations with the Euro-partners on the home stretch.

Schäuble: Athens has a lot going on


Germany’s Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, however, said in Germany radio, Greece still have “quite a lot of effort going on to fulfill that to which it is committed.” He also signaled that the federal government does not want to move away from its previous position. They have committed themselves last on February 20, to fulfill its commitments. “That’s why we do not talk about alternatives.”

(APA / Reuters)


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