Athens and the international creditors do not agree on the state of negotiations on further financial assistance to the bankrupt threatened Greece: While the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Wednesday in Athens said the talks were “on the home stretch”, the EU Commission spoke of a number of open questions
Accordingly, Tsipras said. “We are on the home straight, we are close to an agreement. ” Soon his government will be able to provide details.
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) said, however in the evening in the ARD “Tagesthemen” that negotiations were ” not very much progressed “. He was “always a little surprised that is always said from Athens so we were close to an agreement”.
From the Greek Government, was reported the Representatives Athens and the creditor institutions wanted to start on Wednesday, nail down agreements already found at the working level in a draft. The targeted tentative agreement beinhalteversuch also debt relief and waive further cuts in pensions and salaries.
At the same time it was said that disagreement between the EU and the International Monetary Fund ( IMF) complicates an agreement:. While the EU call for a quick, temporary solution until the end of May, the IMF wants to negotiate a comprehensive agreement
“We are not there yet”
EU Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis warned that there were still a number of unanswered questions. This would range from the budget guidelines to be called pension and labor market reform. Even IMF chief economist Olivier Blanchard told the “Handelsblatt” on Thursday that there was indeed “serious” negotiations, “but we are not there yet”.
France’s Finance Minister Michel Sapin called on the outskirts of the G-7 finance ministers meeting in Dresden to become “that we move from the discussion to the paper”.
Greece and the EU and IMF creditors institutions negotiate for over three months with Athens on the terms on which gets paid outstanding loans amounting to 7.2 billion euros the bankrupt threatened State.
The time pressure is “high”, warned Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) during a visit to Lisbon. “Not just every week, but every day is crucial.” In June Athens has made in four installments almost 1.6 billion euros paid to the IMF.
but in the tricky discussions it go already for another bailout, because the 7.2 billion euros were not enough in the long term, the Greek Deputy Foreign Minister and chief negotiator Euclid Tsakalotos told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. “Almost by itself, the two negotiating processes have now been united.”
Brok sees Varoufakis as nuisance
A Athens agreement with representatives of the creditors then would have to be approved by the Euro-finance before actually money could be transferred. Failing this time and Greece’s debt can not be paid, threaten incalculable consequences to a euro exit the country.
Then “there will be no Winners “, Steinmeier urged in Lisbon. He hoped the Greeks was clear what economic consequences then one Councils. But also on Europe then came criticism because it did not overcome the crisis.
US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned of a “miscalculation” on repayments to the IMF, which could lead to a potentially very damaging crisis. All negotiators therefore need to hurry.
The German MEP Elmar Brok and -Außenexperte criticized the Greek Finance Minister Janis Varoufakis as a disruptive factor in the negotiations. “Varoufakis thwarts any solution and disrupts the negotiations”, Brok said the “Bild” newspaper.
“If Tsipras which also looks so, then he should think about a replacement. ” Finally, go “to the future of Greece, we need reliable partners”, Brok stressed.
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