Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Profit jump of 66 percent in Ryanair thanks to new strategy – THE WORLD

(Bloomberg) -. The Irish airline Ryanair Holdings Plc has completed the past financial year with a profit increase of 66 percent

How Ryanair announced in Dublin on Tuesday, the after-tax income increased in the fiscal year through March to 867 million euros. For the 2016 financial year are expected to 940-970 million euros, it said. Ryanair had attracted in recent years, with modifications to the classical low cost model new Pasagiere and its own capacity in the winter to expand.

share price drove the numbers on the Stock Exchange in Dublin so strong like in six months no longer. Ryanair had previously equal to five times raised the profit forecast for 2015.

The Company will employ a modified business model to customers of classic airlines like Lufthansa German Airlines and Air France KLM Group. Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary has repeatedly as a “land grab” in market shares referred to and wants to be in the third year of the strategy revision more attractive to new customer groups.

“We have taken a number of initiatives that arrive very clear well the customer,” said Chief Financial Officer Neil Sorahan in an interview with Bloomberg. He called a fixed seat assignment, more generous rules for hand luggage and better tailored to business flight times. All this has contributed to the growth in passenger numbers, Sorahan. Said

In the top of the Ryanair shares responded with a gain of 6.6 percent. At 10:00 CEST clock still showed 4.6 percent to 11.38 euros.

Ryanair plans to March 2016, the mark of 100 million passengers per year , reaching an increase of eleven percent to 90.6 million passengers in the past financial year. Should be leased six additional aircraft over the summer. About half of the targeted passenger growth will come from major hubs like Brussels, Lisbon, Berlin and Rome, it was said of Ryanair.

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