Thursday, May 28, 2015

G-7 group in Dresden: IMF chief Lagarde – Grexit “is a possibility” – THE WORLD

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) includes withdrawal of Greece from the euro area (Grexit) no longer sufficient. “The exit of Greece is a possibility,” Fund chief Christine Lagarde said the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, according to a preliminary report.

A Grexit would, they said, “no walk “but would” probably not the end of the euro “means. Lagarde also contradicted statements made by the Greek government, after negotiations with creditors are close to completion. “It’s very unlikely that we will reach a comprehensive solution in the next few days,” she said.

Photo: Getty Images IMF chief Christine Lagarde at the meeting of finance ministers of the G-7 group in Dresden

Lagarde made according to the newspaper it clear that they do not see the responsibility for the fate of Greece in the currency union from the IMF. If the Europeans wanted to avoid a looming state bankruptcy, they would even take precautions. If the conditions are met, the euro countries and the ECB could “give a little breathing space” to the


“There is still a lot of work”

In ARD “Morning Magazine” she had previously stressed that it clearly give movement: “We are in the working process, so I would not say that we are already tangible have achieved results that we would be at the end of the process, “Lagarde said,” but there is still much work that needs to be done. “

With regard to the costs incurred in June next installments Athens to the IMF Lagarde said she had a good feeling when you hear that Greek politicians say they will face their obligations. “This is a debt that they have to the world community.” The IMF has 188 members, including the poorest countries “. This is a matter of respect”

It was important to strengthen the Greek economy

Athens criticism of the IMF Lagarde pointed back. The general aim was to put the Greek economy back on healthy feet and strengthen for the future: “And that we are doing here is what we do balanced and respectful..” Also must be ensured as part of a truly comprehensive solution that engage investors sometime again in Greece.

Greece is in Dresden no official G-7 theme , In the deliberations but also participate Lagarde and the President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, the euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem and EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici. Thus, the heads of the international donors’ “21.519280205656″ div readability => come together who consult with Athens over other grants.

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