Sunday, February 1, 2015

Greece’s Prime Minister Tsipras – Suddenly tame – Sü

Greece's Prime Minister Tsipras – Suddenly tame – Sü

  • A week after the Greece-election mood between the new government and European leaders is poisoned.
  • Greek Prime Tsipras and Finance Varoufakis had expressed in no uncertain terms about the EU austerity.
  • Now a relaxation apparent. Tsipras remains hard in the matter, but proposes a conciliatory tone
  • Before the EU summit on 12 February Tsipras and Varoufakis us now on Euro countries promote their interests.

Analysis of Jacob Schulz

Disastrous Mood

What would hire the declared enemy savings Alexis Tsipras with his power? In many European capitals concern was widespread before the Greece-election. On the day of the vote, the victory of SYRIZA leaders Tsipras was virtually certain.

How bad mood just days after the election would be actually, but had probably guessed the least. What had happened? The first week of the new government was characterized by three aspects: the coalition hastily revised some fun activities of the previous government. Thumping, Premier Tsipras and other ministers brought against the austerity plan in place. And European leaders had no choice but after fruitless talks in Athens again, grumbling to get into their planes.

Your Forum Greece announces the Troika – and now?

What to do with Alexis Tsipras? Less than a week, the Greek Prime Minister in office, but even the few days have been enough to plunge Europe into a mess. This Friday announced Greece’s new Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis the Troika. How should the EU react to the latest announcements from Athens? your forum

conciliatory gesture from Athens

After the hectic first days in office Tsipras rehearsing now apparently a change in strategy. Although he continues to hold publicly stated on another haircut. At the same time he proposes in an e-mail to the Bloomberg news agency conciliatory tones. Thus, he asserts that Greece would repay his debt to the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). With the euro countries he would soon be “beneficial for all parties” agreement aiming for.

“We need time to breathe and to set up a separate medium-term program. It will include a balanced budget, but also tax evasion, tackle corruption and clientelism, “Tsipras wrote the agency.

According to Bloomberg Tsipras’ versöhnlicherer course comes in many European capitals good. Euro Group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem welcomed the statements made by the Prime Minister. The Italian government praised accordingly Tsipras’s conciliatory tone and stressed that Greece had renewed commitment to tackle urgent structural problems.

Experts expected change in strategy

The fact that the new Greek government would back their high-speed rhetoric after the election, observers had been expecting as Matthias kullas by the Centre for European Policy (CEP). In the first weeks, the coalition of the Syriza and the right-wing party Anel will still make strong wind, predicted kullas.

Although Tsipras has not yet adopted his idea of ​​a haircut and an international debt conference. With the conciliatory statement of SYRIZA chief but should also respond to harsh criticism about by European Parliament President Martin Schulz (SPD). Schulz had the Greek government to the Welt am Sonntag advised that “verbal disarm” and to refrain from excessive criticism of Germany. Previously, he had criticized Athens rejection of the troika in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The announcement not to negotiate with the troika of the ECB, the IMF and the European Commission on the national debt, Schulz denounced as “irresponsible”.

promotional tour through Europe

The Minister of Finance and narrow Tsipras Familiar Yanis Varoufakis who likes proposes verbally over the traces, probably the most famous Greek minister to the prime minister. A meeting with the Euro Group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem was ended on Friday in the scandal. At the subsequent press conference Varoufakis announced to end cooperation with the troika. In a BBC interview in the evening he then struck conciliatory tones. He spoke of the euro-countries as partners and made it clear to continue the cooperation with donors. He was defending itself against the current program of the Troika, which had failed, according to the new government.

Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis Rebellious diplomat

Yanis Varoufakis suggests verbally over the traces. Ironically, he is now Minister of Finance and shall conduct the negotiations with Greece’s creditors. But the economist is better suited than you think. Portrait

Before the EU summit in Brussels on 12 February Tsipras and Varoufakis want to garner support in Europe. Tsipras traveling to Cyprus and France. Varoufakis meets on Sunday his French counterpart, Michel Sapin and Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron. On Monday there is a conversation with British Finance Minister George Osborne on the program on Tuesday with the Italian colleague Pier Carlo Padoan.

thinks the Athenians economist and economic advisor Jens Bastian, that Finance Minister Varoufakis check at the meetings mainly shall, if the chemistry between him and his international colleagues agree. In addition Tsipras and Varoufakis would certainly advertise in the meetings for a haircut. “They will bite on granite,” Bastian says. At the same time, the new government demonstrate but just before the SYRIZA voters their consistency.


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