A long tradition: The ADAC logo of the road patrol on a VW Beetle in 1969. On display at the Annual General Meeting of the Automobile Club in Munich.
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Just one year after the scandal concerning manipulation with the car “Yellow Angel” ADAC threatens possibly a new affair. A manager and his staff are accused of taking advantage, they are said to have enriched themselves for years.
A ADAC spokeswoman confirmed on Thursday in Munich that an employee is exempted and that there is an ongoing investigation. Background and details, however, could not be named, personnel issues were not discussed publicly. Previously had the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported on the possible affair.
The ADAC announced pursue vigorously the investigation of the case. “The internal audit examined already in their own interest all operations to elucidate offenses wholeheartedly and consistently. However, this takes time, “said the spokeswoman. According to “SZ” internal revision raises the employees of having bought goods on ADAC account.
In addition, the “SZ” reports on allegations vaca tions in Spain and placed at the disposal Cabriolet had been paid by a company. But at the height of the potential damage the newspaper did not specify.
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The ADAC is located after a deep crisis last year, still under construction. After the forgeries in the “Yellow Angel” were announced a year ago, the ADAC faced with new accusations. In addition to the charge of the manipulations head of communications and the former president and CEO ADAC had to vacate their posts.
Although not all allegations have further confirmed that the loss of image for the club was enormous. The Auto Club enacted a reform process is accompanied by external experts. Thus, the ADAC will now put on a strict separation between the club and business and sell more products that have been tested by the ADAC itself. Moreover, the ADAC has given a comprehensive code of conduct for employees. In December, an Extraordinary General Meeting approved the reform plans. The implementation is still in progress
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