Saturday, February 28, 2015

Speaker – No expansion stop at Mitfahrdienst About – Reuters Germany

Speaker – No expansion stop at Mitfahrdienst About – Reuters Germany


Berlin (Reuters) – About Mitfahrdienst has objected to a magazine report that the company will stop the expansion of its business in Germany.


“On no, the expansion in Germany. Nor is there a general partner recruitment of drivers,” said a spokesman Uber on Sunday told Reuters.


The “Business Week” reported in its latest issue, under the heading “expansion stopped”, an offer of Mitfahrdienstes over the previous cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt and Dusseldorf addition, it will not initially give. In addition, no new drivers would in cities where Uber should require only 35 cents per kilometer recruited. The Reuters news agency said a company spokesman, was correct that “Over in the cities where the service UberPop is offered at 35 cents per kilometer, can not grow as fast as the actually necessary due to the demand.”

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About mediated via an app running opportunities of private car owners. According to both authorities and courts in Germany in violation of the duty of laws that regulate the commercial passenger transport.


The President of the German Association of taxi and car rental BZP, Michael Müller, expressed his satisfaction with the report of the “Business Week”. “Our interpretation of the law is clear. Transport services may not be provided without government approval and without drivers transport passengers,” he explains. The serving of the quality and the protection of the customer. “If Uber now wishes to refer any new drivers more in the remaining cities, which underlines clearly that the company has been recognized as economically complicated the situation on the transport market is -. Not least due to the introduction of the minimum wage”


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