Thursday, February 19, 2015

The clock is ticking: Euro group and Greeks negotiate again – NEWS

The clock is ticking: Euro group and Greeks negotiate again – NEWS


 Friday, February 20, 2015


 Less than a week before the end of the current bailout, there are still no new financial aid for Greece. Is Athens and the Euro partners agree not today again, it could be scarce.



Greece’s Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis faces tough negotiations with his counterparts from the euro zone. At a special meeting this afternoon in Brussels, they are again struggling on new grants for the bankrupt threatened country. Varoufakis had sent the request yesterday at Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem. In Berlin, the request was met with complete rejection.

“The letter from Athens is not a substantial solution proposal,” said the spokesman for Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, Martin Hunter. The federal government comes from the fact that Athens only a “bridge loan” apply, without meeting the requirements of the program: “The letter does not meet the agreed upon in the euro group on Monday criteria,” said Hunter. .

In the letter to the Euro group Varoufakis asks for a six-month extension of the grant to the crisis country – so in effect until the end of August

For the highly indebted country, time is running: On the 28th Feb. runs from the current utility of Europeans. Without an extension of the country threatens bankruptcy. However, Berlin requires an answer to the crucial question: Is the new government in Athens now willing to accept in return for emergency loans further editions of international donors? Without a binding commitment to the euro partners were not yet ready to

make concessions to Athens.

Berlin holds

on reforms More about

According to data from the Greek the negotiations, the federal government requires, among other things, a waiver previously announced labor market – and social reforms. Berlin wants, according to the Greek side, further, that some commitments are clearly stated in writing. In Greek government sources said before, the lenders would endorse the contents of letter of application corresponding commitments to 95 percent. The Greek government spokesman Gavriil Sakellarides had said in the morning in the local television: “. Our goal is to conclude the agreement soon”

Last night, Finance Minister confident Varoufakis had shown that the negotiations can be concluded successfully on Friday. “Day after day, hour after hour, we come closer to us,” he said on Greek television.

The Chairman of the Alternative for Germany (AFD), Bernd Lucke, warned of concessions to the government in Athens. The new Greek aid application to the Euro-group is a “tried to deceive the public,” Lucke told the “Handelsblatt”. Lucke called on the federal government and the euro-countries, among other things, to make arrangements for an early exit of Greece from the euro-zone.



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