Economy: mood in the German economy is improving – Times Online
= “articlemeta-left”> Updates 23rd February 2015 12:56 clock
Munich (dpa) – The German economy remains despite the stalemate in Greece and Ukraine crisis in good shape
The Ifo index. as an important early indicator for the development of the economic development improved in February for the fourth time in a row and slightly increased from 106.7 points in the previous month to 106.8 points. “The German economy is robust against the geopolitical uncertainties,” the president of the Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Hans-Werner Sinn said in Munich.
The Ifo index is the most important early indicator of the German economy. It is calculated from the monthly survey of about 7,000 companies from industry, retail, wholesale and from the construction industry. In February, the company assessed their current situation somewhat worse than in January, but showed up for the next six months optimistic.
Experts had expected a sharper rise in the Ifo
business climate. “But that should by the rapid rise of the previous months only be a breather,” said Commerzbank chief economist Joerg Kraemer. The BayernLB remains despite the “light disappointing” results of the Ifo survey of its positive economic outlook. “The race of the year also falls for the industry is positive, and the pace of economic growth should rise slightly faster again in the coming months,” said economic expert Johannes Mayr.
However, the uncertainties remain high. “For a significant turn for the better Europe and Greece must find a long-term viable compromise, and the relationship with Russia should stabilize at least,” said Joerg Zeuner, Chief Economist of KfW bank.
Boost to the export-oriented industry especially the low oil prices and the weak euro. The outlook for the coming months in the manufacturing sector fell as good as the last six months no more. Retailers, too, looked confident in the coming months as before.
The companies in the construction industry, however, were more satisfied with the current situation, but assessed the outlook for the next few months more skeptical than before. In the long-term comparison, the mood in the construction industry still remained at a high level.
Ifo index
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