For months, Jürgen Fitschen tries to avert this performance. Now, reports the news magazine “Der Spiegel”, the Munich Regional Court had approved the action against the co-head of Deutsche Bank. A spokeswoman denied – but the dates are already set
The prosecution had filed a suit in the summer of 2014. Fitschens lawyers had until recently urged not to grant the request. Now the Munich district court approved the application by Mirror Information. The trial of hinge plates and four other managers of Deutsche Bank to begin on April 28, according to the magazine “Der Spiegel”. They are accused of having testified falsely at trial on the bankruptcy of the Kirch Group.
A spokeswoman for the Regional Court of Munich I denied a corresponding Entschediung. The court will “soon” on the approval of charges against the co-head of Deutsche Bank , Jürgen Fitschen, and several former top managers of the bank decide.
schedule is already
The judge Peter Noll did in the case of an approval, however, already been determined dates for the negotiations. How would she confirmed the spectacular process begin in the worst case on April 28 and then being negotiated Tuesdays before the District Court.
In addition to hinge plates
The indictment accuses the bankers to have made in the proceedings before the Oberlandesgericht München false information in order to prevent damages payments to the heirs of the late media entrepreneur Leo Kirch. The former bank chief Breuer had expressed in 2002 in a television interview disparagingly of the Zahlungsfäghigkeit of the Kirch Group: “If you can read and hear, is that the financial sector is not willing to constant basis, additional debt or equity to Make available, “Breuer said at the time the media tycoon Leo Kirch.
speculation about premature withdrawal
Since the bank had ultimately paid, it’s all about trying to process fraud. The accused had always denied the allegations. Fitschen leads the German Bank since June 2012 together with Anshu Jain and is considered one of the most important business leaders in Germany.
On the decision is awaited with excitement for weeks – would have, if approved but an active co-head of Deutsche Bank responsible in any criminal court

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