Friday, February 27, 2015

Air Berlin: Prock-Schauer is leaving the company – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Air Berlin: Prock-Schauer is leaving the company – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Berlin – The Austrian Wolfgang Prock-Schauer leaves the ailing airline Air Berlin. Former CEO distinguish his own request this Saturday February 28th from, the company said in Berlin on Friday evening.

Prock-Schauer had the management on February 1, the former Lufthansa manager Stefan Pichler passed, which wants to promote the transformation of Germany’s second largest airline and make them profitable again. It will be interesting to see whether Pichler can inspire a team.

At the time, it had been called, Prock-Schauer was withdrawing

its previous position as chief strategist. The Austrians had replaced two years ago Hartmut Mehdorn as a company director.

Air Berlin lies for years in the crisis and tries with new austerity programs to shrink yourself healthy. Million dollar cash injections of the Arab majority shareholder Etihad keep the airline is above water. For 2014, the Board expects the highest loss in company history.


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