“It’s not about individual countries, it is about Europe”
According to Wolfgang Schäuble rigorous refusal could result in the crucial negotiations at the meeting of the Euro Group for Greece. All major developments, find out the live ticker.
According to Wolfgang Schäuble rigorous refusal could result in the crucial negotiations at the meeting of the Euro Group for Greece. All major developments, find out the live ticker.
The crisis meeting of euro zone finance ministers to debt dispute with Greece delayed. The meeting in Brussels was postponed for one and a half hours to 16.30 clock, divided Euro group boss Jeroen
Dijsselbloem with Twitter.
Before the meeting, told the Maltese Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and others gradually losing patience with Greece. “I think they have arrived at the point where they say Greece. If you really want to escape, then they do it” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, however, expects before the meeting determined to reach an agreement on the extension of credit.
Chancellor Angela Merkel called before the meeting “significant improvements in substance “Athens, but assured:” Greece should remain in the euro zone. ”
theme of the meeting is the Greek request, the auxiliary program be extended to six months. About the details, there is a heated argument with donors. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble had referred the request to be inadequate.
dpa / AFP / AP / Reuters / coh
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