Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Environmentalists strongly opposed to the project: Obama vetoes oil pipeline … – ABC Online

Environmentalists strongly opposed to the project: Obama vetoes oil pipeline … – ABC Online

Wednesday, 25.02.2015, 06:53
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The dispute between US President Obama and the champions of the Canada-US Keystone XL oil pipeline has reached a new peak. The law is adopted, but Obama has been vetoed. Environmentalists are alarmed.

Obama presented on Tuesday announced as a vetoed a law passed by Congress for the construction of the 1,900-kilometer line. The Parliament seeking to circumvent a review of the plans by the government, Obama wrote as a justification. He could not allow.

The pipeline will run from Alberta, Canada, in the US state of Nebraska. As they crossed the border between the two countries, the US State Department has to decide whether the project is in the national interest of the United States. By the time the survey was completed, the start of construction can not be allowed, Obama declared. The project was approved in recent weeks in both chambers of Congress with a clear majority

Boehner. “Obama’s veto is a national embarrassment”

The US policy argues for more than five years on the pipeline. Through them, the company TransCanada wants to pump 830,000 barrels daily to derived from tar sands oil through the United States to the Gulf Coast in Texas. The other sub-sections, of which no approval process

is necessary, are already completed or will be in the near future.

The Republican chairman of the House, John Boehner, called Obama’s veto as a “national embarrassment”. The President’ll be too influenced by “environmental extremists.”

Transportation of oil safer

Especially Boehner’s party, but also some of Obama’s Democrats and industry representatives are by line for the construction of Keystone XL. They argue that up to 40,000 jobs could be created. Moreover, it is advantageous to be able to import more oil from the neighboring country of Canada with the pipeline to be less dependent on Middle East countries such as Saudi Arabia.

In addition, the transport of oil through the line safer and more effective than, say, with trains had. Environmentalists are strongly opposed to the project. They believe that the climate-damaging oil from tar sands in Canada is conveyed by the new line even further.

Expert: resistance mainly symbolic

They also warn that this method three times more greenhouse gases are released as in conventional funding. Also, they lead to the risk of dangerous leaks in the line.

According to experts, but its resistance is mainly symbolic, since oil production in Canada would not significantly decline due to a failure of this pipeline. The dispute’m only an example for the entire internal political conflict over the US climate policy

In the video. “Obama will not get a blank check”

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