Sunday, February 22, 2015
Greece’s finance minister believes that the creditors will accept proposals for reform his government. “I’m very confident,” said Yanis Varoufakis. The reform list will still be presented – and his “something simple”.
According to the principle agreement on an extension of the aid program, the Greek government wants a day earlier than planned to finish the required list of reform commitments. The document will completed today, said Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis after a cabinet meeting last night in Athens. He was himself “absolutely sure” that the list will then meet in Brussels on Monday on consent.
As the German Press Agency learned from government in Athens, the reform will list “by all indications not long and not be too detailed. ” The list is almost ready and they mainly consider including a number of measures to combat corruption and tax evasion. Deputy Prime Minister Yanis Dragasakis told reporters: “There will be something simple.” The difficult phase will begin only after that. European Central Bank, European Union and International Monetary Fund would take in the coming months, each new Greek law and any decision under the microscope, added a diplomat.
According to the adopted late Friday Final Declaration of the 19 euro finance ministers Greece must in return for new grants “based on the previous program” until Monday to submit “a list of reform measures”. These should be examined preliminarily by the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund.
If the three institutions that were previously known as the troika, as well as the Euro finance ministers on after a conference call Tuesday to, are in the countries – if necessary – the parliaments vote to extend the auxiliary agreement in good time before the end of February. Parliament approvals are required, for example in Germany and Finland. To be nailed down definitively the reforms then until the end of April.
Contrary to the previous wishes of the government in Athens the current utility must be successfully completed for Greece, the outstanding tranche of 1.8 billion euros, pledged interest of ECB can get 1.9 billion euros of Greek bonds. During the four-month extension to negotiate a successor agreement to the Euro group and the institutions.
compromise gives Athens more air
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said in a televised address, the agreement allow Athens, “austerity to leave behind.” Thus, his country had achieved his “main goal”. However, there was still a long way to go. The compromise procure his country more time to submit its “own development plan.”
More aboutAthens undertook in Brussels to take back any reforms or decisions to meeting, which endanger the “financial stability”. However, the text talks about the so-called primary surplus this year in view – ie the budget balance excluding interest payments and repay debt. Varoufakis said he had also achieved that VAT is not increased and the pensions would not be reduced. However,
The analyst Daniel Gros told the Italian newspaper “La Stampa”, from a political point of view would the Greeks “in all points yielded “. “You can not hope to get anything, only to give,” Gros said.
In the Greek opposition met with sharp criticism of the agreement. The Socialists accused the government of “back for miles” to lead the country and play “theater for the domestic audience”. The Communists declared, “no matter what you call it, the agreement is basically the formal extension of the aid program under strict surveillance” and “essentially a continuation of the anti-popular reforms.”
Source: n-tv.de

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