Tuesday, February 24, 2015

+++ +++ Greece crisis: Euro finance ministers bless Greek … – ABC Online

+++ +++ Greece crisis: Euro finance ministers bless Greek … – ABC Online

Updated on Tuesday, 24.02.2015, 19:22
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Just before deadline is Greece and the euro partner in debt dispute have agreed. The utility is extended by four months. Athens sets in return to reform list. But the content there are new argument.

Left differs from past no to aid for Greece from

19.21 Clock: The left is the first time differ from the vote on the aid program for Greece on Friday from its previous rejection. In the Group meeting on Tuesday also the case for approval were discussed, as was reported from fraction circles. A unified resistance on Friday could be ruled out, it said.

In the past, the Left had the aid for Greece always rejected because it is conditional. Left Party leader Gregor Gysi said the reform program presented by Greece show “a first way out of poverty reductions and logic.” The “devastating social and humanitarian consequences” would be corrected. The focus will put on the fight against fraud and corruption and fair taxation of the rich and wealthy Greeks.

Graf Lambsdorff is the reform plan “still a mystery”

18:15 Clock: CSU financial expert Hans Michel Bach provides a catalog of Greece very critical. “It consists of pure intent Whether the government in Athens can implement these intentions in harsh additional financial leeway remains to be seen these, but depends on whether. Tsipras the government at all may make changes to the austerity measures, “he said on ABC Online request.

Greece will lodge the next four months more tied to the previous program, Michel Bach on. “There is a new program and no change in the savings requirements. Changes there can be only if Greece actually realized additional income or savings. Before any changes but still need the Troika and in Germany the Bundestag agree.”

18.00 clock. The FDP MEP and EU Vice-President of the Parliament Alexander Graf Lambsdorff warned not to trust the pronouncements of the Greek government blind “With the announcement of reforms Athens has always been world champion,” Graf Lambsdoerff FOCUS said Online. “The real challenge is not flowery promises of reform, but its concrete implementation. Therefore, the objectives must be clearly identified and measurable in order to verify compliance better “Im was” still a

mystery thing is clear. “As the SYRIZA government fill their reform plan with living and at the same time wants to distribute large choice of gifts.” It Ernst must be done with saving and reforming in Athens. Then the German taxpayers also have a claim such as the people of Spain and Portugal, “said Graf Lambsdorff

ECB. Athens Reform List a sufficient basis for negotiations

17.02 Clock: The European Central Bank (ECB) considers the reform list of the Greek government in principle for a sufficient basis for further negotiations in an on Tuesday published by the ECB letter to Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem located ECB President Mario Draghi expressed, however, also critical. As expected, have Athens made no concrete proposals and commitments to growth public finances and financial stability in the short time. Draghi made it clear as long as international donors maintained their aid, Greece must not fall short of previous commitments. Where Athens aspiring discrepancies that would have in a particular case are checked for their content. Draghi warned that highly indebted country “must act quickly” and refrain from “unilateral action”.

Oppermann: Utility program is broad majority get

15.26 Clock: The SPD parliamentary leader Thomas Oppermann said before the group meeting on Tuesday afternoon that he was “glad that for now reason has returned “was back. “The Greek government has had to learn in recent weeks that the help of their European partners is subject to conditions.” Given the new proposals from Athens, the SPD politician was “confident that the request on Friday gets a large majority in the Bundestag on extending the utility”

CDU over Greek letter. “There’s a whole Positive quantity inside “

15.24 Clock: CDU financial expert Michael Fuchs told FOCUS Online about the letter:” There’s a whole lot of positives in it The big question is whether the Greeks. also make it really as they announce it. ” His first impression of the proposals is that the Tsipras government was far descended from their original ideas

Greek government circles. Reform proposals approved

15.10 Clock: Euro finance ministers have approved the reform program of the government in Athens, according to a Greek government official. Thus, the application of Greece will be approved on a four-month extension of the utility

. Video: Step in right direction – agreement in the debt dispute with Greece

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