Sunday, February 22, 2015

Reform List: The Greek drama continues – RP ONLINE

Reform List: The Greek drama continues – RP ONLINE

Athens / Berlin. Athens sent on Sunday reform list of donors. On Monday, advise the Finance Minister, if that is enough. The Bundestag is to decide in a hurry, do not want to be put under pressure up. By Jan Drebes and Antje Höning

The nail-biter to Greece goes on. Although the Greek government on Sunday sent a preliminary list of reform plans of the international creditors. But now the European Commission, European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have examined whether the Greeks thus truly honor their finance ministers in the round on Friday promise. On Tuesday, the 19 euro zone finance ministers will decide on a conference call, whether on Saturday expiring utility is extended and Athens receives billions more.

According to Greek media is in the reform-list to a three-page document that in which the government of Alexis Tsipras announces measures to facilitate the fight against corruption and tax evasion. They also committed to continuing the privatization to increase government revenue. Doubts on Greek reform will have been nurtured over the weekend by the appearance of Tsipras: “We let the austerity measures, the bailout and the troika behind us,” said the Prime Minister.

“We won a battle but not the war.” After a long argument between Greece and the other 18 euro countries had the standing to an agreement in principle to the rescue on Friday from bankruptcy: At the same time a he conceded country agreed. Verbal donors Athens come to meet it. Thus, the terms “troika” of inspectors from the EU, ECB and IMF, and “program” for the reform commitments from 2012 are no longer used. On the merits, but force the donors Athens to adhere to the path of reform.

class=" 1.4842785 stop float "> Portrait: Varoufakis – media expert and Finance PHOTO: AP, el ase

It also remains open whether the Bundestag plays along with the rescue of Greece. In several countries, parliaments have to agree to extend the utility so that it can enter into force. Bundestag President Norbert Lammert stressed, however, is a precondition for the approval of Parliament is that Greece gives concrete its reform measures. “On this basis, the Bundestag will make his decision after a rapid but thorough review,” said Lammert. CSU financial expert Hans Michel Bach calls until March, so that Members can review the commitments

time that Greece has not. Does the Bundestag to Friday not to, is the country next week insolvent. SPD parliamentary group deputy Carsten Schneider on the other hand is holding a vote this week possible. “The Greeks must now take their fate into their own hands,” he said our newspaper. If Athens presenting substantial proposals, the SPD parliamentary group was open to it. “These proposals and the evaluation of the IMF, the Commission and the ECB, we will include them in the decision.” Then one could come this week to make a decision.

Greece agreement: Press:” The election promises to be frozen “look

Economists the agreement Friday skeptical. “More money is nothing but a pain reliever for the Greek disease,” said Ifo chief Hans Werner Sinn. His colleague Hans-Peter courtyard warned: “The risk that Greece rode out of the euro, continues on.”

Source: RP


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