Sunday, February 22, 2015

+++ Underground strike in the live ticker +++: web is ready to conciliation procedure – ABC Online

+++ Underground strike in the live ticker +++: web is ready to conciliation procedure – ABC Online

Sunday, 02.22.2015, 08:01
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The seventh strike by train drivers in the current round of negotiations is imminent. One day after the announcement of the drivers in conflict with Deutsche Bahn has the exact timing and duration of the strike continues to be left open GDL chief Claus Weselsky. All information in the news ticker of FOCUS Online.

Transport Minister criticizes planned train drivers’ strike

Sunday 22 February, 07.59 Clock: Federal Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt criticizes the new strike notice the train drivers’ union GDL. “ If you are planning to go on strike 100 hours, to prove that he can negotiate seriously 100 hours” , the CSU politician who said “Bild am Sonntag”. “I see in the population no support for continuous-strikes.” One solution would already be at the negotiating table. Collective bargaining is a valuable asset with which we must deal responsibly, he warned. “Strikes belong to it, but you must not overdo the acceptance by the public..”

Video: “Kapitalistentrulla The chick is not quite tight!”

Civil Service Association criticizes German railway

18.10 Clock: After the Civil Service Association (DBB) on Friday had brought an arbitration into the game, he attacked on Saturday the negotiators of the web, Werner Bayreuther, sharp, and wrote to the company in a

statement the responsibility for escalation and to strike. “I can only urge employers Deutsche Bahn again, finally constructive and result oriented to negotiate with the GDL,” Thus said the dbb National Chairman Klaus Dauderstädt.

The web rejected the criticism. It states that it is a red herring, the goals place undue reliance on people, a spokeswoman said. The train would finally make progress on the matter and avoid further strikes

Railway is willing to arbitration proceedings

15.55 Clock: The labor dispute with the train drivers, the German car is ready for a conciliation procedure , The company is open to a proposal of the German Civil Servants, to reach an agreement in a mediation or facilitation, Chief Human Resources Officer Ulrich Weber said Saturday the German Press Agency. The train would turn results in the wage dispute and strikes. Customers and employees would need planning security. “The main thing we prevent day-long labor disputes,” Weber said.

One of the GDL reaction to the proposal was not initially obtained. Previously, a spokesman for the train drivers’ union had said that there was no new level since the decisions of the Tariff Board and the Management Board on Wednesday. It maintain that the union would inform the train customers on time. On Wednesday, the GDL had decided that it should basically be new strikes. Both the start date and the planned duration but they left it open. It would be the seventh walkout now in the current labor dispute.

Video: “The part cut off!” Germany rages against strike-Rambo Weselsky

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