What millions of retirees actually is clear already, now also plays on the public service with force: The retirement is increasingly difficult to pay. Therefore hook collective bargaining. On Monday, the teachers strike. . Follow the development of the news ticker of FOCUS Online
- labor dispute Public Service: warning increasingly likely
- Bullerjahn throbs factual dispute without saber rattling
- Core Requirement: 5.5 percent higher royalties – but at least 175 €
When teachers’ strike is not on Monday Schleswig-Holstein here
15.49 Clock: If the public sector in the country on Monday is first strikes in Germany in the labor dispute, Schleswig-Holstein will not be affected. This said a spokesman for the teachers’ union GEW on Friday, the German Press Agency. In the north, around 25,000 teachers about 2500 as an employee and therefore to strike.
strikes at the NRW schools on Tuesday
13.52 Clock: The teachers at the schools in NRW want to strike, which divided the union Verdi in Dusseldorf. It was planned initially on Tuesday (March 3) at schools in the district Dusseldorf work niederzulegen.Die unions have been fighting for years for a collective agreement for the nationwide 200,000 salaried teachers – including nearly 40,000 in NRW. So far, they are paid according to the guidelines of the country.
It was planned initially to stop work at schools in the district of Dusseldorf. Priorities are there Duisburg and the state capital as well as eating and Wuppertal. The next day, it also teachers in the districts Detmold and Cologne are to enter into the warning strike, then are the locations in Bielefeld and Minden, Herford , Aachen, Bonn and Cologne it. On Thursday, the round ends, according to PRO in the districts of Münster and Arnsberg. Strikers then gather in Münster, Gelsenkirchen, Dorsten, Bochum, Dortmund, Siegen and Unna, as it was called.
Nationwide teachers’ strike starting Monday
13.36 clock After the time being inconclusive collective bargaining for the public sector in the countries there on Monday nationwide warning strike of teachers in the schools. This was announced by the trade union Verdi and GEW on Friday in Potsdam
Schools, university hospitals and road to be on strike
13.32 clock. In the coming week come strikes in schools, university hospitals, road and in the judiciary on the people of Germany. The collective bargaining for the public sector in the country went on Friday afternoon in Potsdam without result to an end, as revealed from negotiating circles. Thus, all signs point to strike. The next round is scheduled for mid-March. Negotiations for the approximately 800,000 public employees of the countries. The unions are demanding a transfer to the roughly two million civil servants and pensioners.
strikes in round of collective bargaining
Friday, February 27, 13.15 clock: The collective conflict for the public service strikes are more likely. That made the head of the service union Verdi, Frank Bsirske, before continuing discussions with employers in the country on Friday in Potsdam significantly. The main reason are strong differences on occupational pension provision. It is in the public service standard, but is to be reformed because of high costs.
Bsirske: “I assume that the differences in company pension schemes, employees are already electrified and is expected actions.” Thus, it could come next week to walkouts about in the road maintenance and schools.
Buller Jahn: “We are not on a collision course”
The head of the collective bargaining unit German (TdL), Saxony-Anhalt’s Finance Minister Jens Buller Jahn (SPD), insisted on a more objective discussion without saber-rattling. “We are not on a collision course,” he said. But he stressed at the same time: “No one has said that the collective bargaining to be easy.”
Bsirkse explained that the country wanted to do on occupational retirement provision no longer a guarantee, but only a defined contribution scheme. This means that employees no payments at a certain level would be guaranteed. Rather, the countries pledged to shoulder their share of the contribution. With low interest rates for those affected would then but the bottom line is less out. In the negotiations, it was said, therefore, cuts up to 20 percent are possible.
Bullerjahn prided himself on the problem of rising costs must be addressed in the pension plan. “I think the discussion can be no escape,” he had said on Thursday. The precautionary principle in the branch have the same problems as the state pension fund – people would just older. There would also low interest rates, which is why the capital no longer multiply the savings plans that way. “You can not ignore the public service.”
collective results are approximately 800,000 people relate
From the negotiations, it was said, except for the pension issue and the special problem of teacher no issues had previously been discussed in detail. According to the key demand of 5.5 percent higher fees, but at least 175 euros more, for the first time on the table only in the course of Friday.
For the teachers it comes to controversial for some ten years demand that nationwide 200,000 salaried teachers to better secure by collective agreement . Binding rules for classification in tariff groups are missing. Countries decide for whom teaching jobs which pay scales are valid. The education union GEW insists on high tariff groups for teachers, but this would increase the cost of the overall financial statements.
collective results are approximately 800,000 employees, apprentices and trainees of the countries concern – except in Hessen, which is not in the TdL. In addition, the unions demand a transfer to the 2 million civil servants and pensioners. According to the negotiations, must be longer than previously thought to be negotiated by mid-March.
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