Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Greek auxiliary request: Athens sends Reform list to the EU – N24

Greek auxiliary request: Athens sends Reform list to the EU – N24

At the very last pushers Greece has submitted the required reform list in Brussels. Now Germany and the other donors must decide whether Athens suggestions suffice.

The Greek government has filed as required by Germany and the other donors reform list at midnight. This was announced by the EU Commission in Brussels. Even in the afternoon to under the previous schedule at a conference of the Euro Group finance ministers will decide whether the utility for the highly indebted country is prolonged.

In the Commission’s view is the list of “comprehensive enough “to serve as a starting point for an extension of the grants, BelTA learned from the authorities in Brussels. Greek Finance Minister Yannis Varoufakis had submitted the paper in Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank (ECB). “We are particularly encouraged by the strong commitment to the fight against tax evasion and corruption”, BelTA learned from the European Commission.

With the presentation of a list reform the Greek government has a first prerequisite for further met billion loans to

European partners.

further loans it had last weeks dispute given because Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his radical Syriza reform and austerity of the donors did not want to accept it.

The grants are prerequisite is that the crisis country not soon slips into national bankruptcy and possibly even have to get out of the euro. Germany and the other donors would then probably write off billions. So far, the heavily indebted Greece was saved with around 240 billion euros in aid loans from bankruptcy.

When the green light Finance vote in Parliament on an extension of aid for Greece are also provided in some countries , In Germany, the Bundestag would have to deal with the issue, possibly on Friday. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) blamed, according to a media report late Monday night the way. As the “Handelsblatt” reported Schäuble requested the Bundestag, the extension of the aid program to four months. He made a motion but therefore expressly subject to the reservation of the expected reform list of Athens.


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